UPDATED: The new Arcane Journal: High Elf Realms army lists, rules, units and magic items have been added!
Source: Warhammer: The Old World Online Rules Index
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Welcome to the online rules index for the Warhammer: The Old World. It is part of the Warhammer Fantasy Online Rules Index Project and is not endorsed or affiliated with Games Workshop Limited. This website contains an easily searchable index of the core rules and army-specific rules for The Old World integrated with official errata. The complete index of official Frequently Asked Questions and Errata & Amendments are also available.
Model Profiles
- Characteristics Profile
- Movement (M)
- Weapon Skill (WS)
- Ballistic Skill (BS)
- Strength (S)
- Toughness (T)
- Wounds (W)
- Initiative (I)
- Attacks (A)
- Leadership (Ld)
- Split Profiles (Model Profiles)
- Characteristics of Zero
- Characteristic Tests
- Leadership Tests
- Modifying Characteristics
- Other Model Information
- Points Value
- Troop Type
- Base Size
- Unit Size
- Armour Value (Model Profiles)
- Equipment
- Magic
- Options
- Special Rules
- Magic Items
- Unique Equipment
- Wizards
- Levels of Wizardry
- Lores of Magic
- Spells & Spell Generation (Magic)
- Spell Categories
- Enchantment
- Hex
- Conveyance
- Magic Missiles
- Magical Vortex
- Assailment
- Casting Spells
- Choosing a Target
- Range 'Self' Spells
- Casting Roll, Casting Result & Casting Value
- Magic Resistance (-X) (Magic)
- Miscasts & Perfect Invocations
- Perfect Invocations
- Miscast
- Miscast Table
- Bound Spells
- Dispel
- Types of Dispel
- Wizardly Dispel
- Fated Dispel
- Dispel Roll & Dispel Result
- Outclassed in the Art & Unbinding
- Unbinding
- Outclassed in the Art
- Spell Resolution
- Spell Duration
- Remains in Play
- Dispelling Remains in Play Spells
- Perfect Invocations (Remains In Play)
- Wizards & Armour
The Movement Phase
- The Movement Phase Sequence
- The 1" Rule
- Declare Charges & Charge Reactions
- Who Can Charge?
- Charging More than One Unit
- Charge Reactions
- Hold
- Stand & Shoot
- Flee (Charge Reaction)
- Charge Reactions & Multiple Charging Units
- Charge Moves
- Determine Charge Range
- The Charge Move (Intro)
- Maximum Possible Charge Range
- Failed Charge
- Compulsory Moves
- Fleeing Units (Movement)
- Other Types of Compulsory Movement
- Remaining Moves
Movement in Detail
- Basic Movement
- Marching
- Enemy Sighted
- Manoeuvres
- Wheel
- Turn
- Move Backwards
- Move Sideways
- Redress the Ranks
- Reform
- Pivoting
- The Ends of the World
- The Charge Move
- Manoeuvring During a Charge
- Aligning to the Enemy
- Flank & Rear Charges
- Resolving Uncertainties
- Unusual Situations (Charging)
- Unable to Align
- Disordered Charge
- Charging Through Terrain
- Charging a Fleeing Enemy
- Running Down the Foe
- Redirecting a Charge
- Multiple Charging Units
- Multiple Charge Targets
- Accidental Contact
- Accidental Contact When Running Down the Foe
- Accidental Contact During a Charge
- Halting a Charge
- Continuing Ahead
- Flee!
- Direction of Flight
- Fleeing from an Enemy Unit
- Fleeing as a Compulsory Move
- The Flee Move
- Destruction of a Fleeing Unit
- Fleeing Through Friendly Units
- Fleeing Through Enemy Units
- Fleeing Through Terrain
- The Greater the Danger
- The Limits of Endurance
- Give Ground & Fall Back in Good Order
- Give Ground
- Fall Back in Good Order
- Oddball Stuff (Movement)
- Conveyance Spells
- Lone Models
- Different Formations
- Moving off the Battlefield
- Reinforcements
- Terrain & Movement
- Open Ground & Hills (Movement)
- Difficult Terrain (Movement)
- Low Linear Obstacles (Movement)
- Dangerous Terrain (Movement)
- Impassable Terrain (Movement)
- High Linear Obstacles (Movement)
- Woods (Movement)
- Battlefield Decoration (Movement)
The Shooting Phase
- The Shooting Phase Sequence
- Choose Unit & Declare Target
- Who Can Shoot?
- Check Line of Sight
- Check Range
- Declare Target
- How Many Shots?
- "We Can't All Shoot!"
- Roll to Hit (Shooting)
- Fast Dice Rolling (Shooting)
- BS of 6 or Higher
- To Hit Modifiers
- Range & Movement Modifiers
- Moving and Shooting
- Firing at Long Range
- Standing and Shooting
- Cover Modifiers
- Target Behind Partial Cover
- Target Behind Full Cover
- 7+ to Hit
- Roll to Wound & Make Armour Saves (Shooting)
- Roll to Wound (Shooting)
- Too Tough to Wound
- Make Armour Saves (Shooting)
- Determining Armour Value
- Armour Piercing
- Ward Saves
- More than One Save
- Remove Casualties & Make Panic Tests
- Remove Casualties (Shooting)
- Make Panic Tests
- Fall Back or Flee
- No Need for Hysterics (Shooting)
- Oddball Stuff (Shooting)
- Magic Missile & Magical Vortex Spells
- Shooting into Combat
- Shooting with More than One Rank
- Automatic Hits
- Hits that Inflict Multiple Wounds
- Instant Kills
- Resolving Unusual Attacks
The Combat Phase
- The Combat Phase Sequence
- End of Turn
- Choose & Fight Combat
- Choose Combat & Determine Who Can Fight
- Who Can Fight?
- Base Contact
- The Fighting Rank
- Supporting Attacks
- How Many Attacks?
- Who Strikes First?
- Charging Units
- Disordered Charges
- Simultaneous Combat
- "We Can't All Fight!"
- Multiple Units In Combat
- Dividing Attacks
- Fighting on Multiple Fronts
- Roll to Hit (Combat)
- Fast Dice Rolling (Combat)
- Roll to Wound & Make Armour Saves (Combat)
- Roll to Wound (Combat)
- Make Armour Saves (Combat)
- Determining Armour Saves (Combat)
- Remove Casualties (Combat)
- Stepping Forward & Closing In
- Set Casualties Aside
- Excess Casualties
- Fight On!
- Calculate Combat Result
- Combat Result Score
- Combat Result Table
- Unsaved Wounds Inflicted
- Rank Bonus
- Standards
- Flank & Rear Attacks
- The High Ground
- Overkill (Combat)
- Other Bonuses
- Who is the Winner?
- Drawn Combat
- Combat Results & Multiple Units In Combat
- Rank Bonus in Multiple Combats
- Standards (Multiple Combats)
- Flank & Rear Attacks (Multiple Combats)
- The High Ground (Multiple Combats)
- Other Bonuses (Multiple Combats)
- Break Test
- Loser Breaks & Flees
- Loser Falls Back In Good Order
- 1" Apart (Combat)
- Loser Gives Ground
- Surrounded
- Follow Up & Pursuit
- Restrain & Reform
- Follow Up
- Change Facing
- Pursuit
- The Pursuit Move
- Overrun
- Unable to Follow Up or Pursue
- Still Engaged
- Unable to Move
- Catching the Curs!
- Pursuit into an Obstacle
- Pursuit off the Battlefield
- Pursuit into a Fresh Enemy
- Pursuit into a Fleeing Enemy
- Pursuit into a New Combat
- Oddball Stuff (Combat)
- Assailment Spells
- Shrinking Units
- No More Foes
- Incomplete Ranks
- Split Profiles (Combat)
- Different Weapons
- Characteristics of Zero (Combat)
- Terrain & Combat
- Open Ground & Hills (Combat)
- Difficult Terrain (Combat)
- Dangerous Terrain & Woods
- Impassable Terrain (Combat)
- Linear Obstacles
- Low Linear Obstacles (Combat)
- Defended Low Linear Obstacles (Combat)
- High Linear Obstacles (Combat)
- Battlefield Decoration (Combat)
Special Rules
- What are Special Rules?
- Universal Special Rules
- Army Special Rules
- Unique Special Rules
- What Special Rules Does it Have?
- Rule Priority
- Cumulative Special Rules
- Ambushers
- Armour Bane (X)
- Armoured Hide (X)
- Breath Weapon
- Chariot Runners
- Close Order
- Counter Charge
- Cumbersome
- Detachment
- Dragged Along
- Drilled
- Ethereal
- Evasive
- Extra Attacks (+X)
- Fast Cavalry
- Fear
- Feigned Flight
- Fight in Extra Rank
- Fire & Flee
- First Charge
- Flaming Attacks
- Flammable
- Fly (X)
- Frenzy
- Furious Charge
- Hatred (X)
- Horde
- Howdah
- Ignores Cover
- Immune to Psychology
- Impact Hits (X)
- Impetuous
- Killing Blow
- Large Target
- Levies
- Loner
- Magical Attacks
- Magic Resistance (-X)
- Mercenaries
- Monster Handlers
- Monster Slayer
- Motley Crew
- Move & Shoot
- Move or Shoot
- Move Through Cover
- Multiple Shots (X)
- Multiple Wounds (X)
- Open Order
- Poisoned Attacks
- Ponderous
- Quick Shot
- Rallying Cry
- Random Attacks
- Random Movement
- Regeneration (X+)
- Regimental Unit
- Requires Two Hands
- Reserve Move
- Scouts
- Shieldwall
- Skirmishers
- Stomp Attacks (X)
- Strike First
- Strike Last
- Stubborn
- Stupidity
- Swiftstride
- Terror
- Timmm-berrr!
- Unbreakable
- Unstable
- Vanguard
- Veteran
- Volley Fire
- Warband
- Warp-spawned
Unusual Formations
- Adopting & Changing Formation
- Open Order Formation
- Highly Manoeuvrable
- Quick Turn
- Dispersed Ranks
- Unit Shape (Open Order)
- Combat Order (Open Order)
- Marching Column (Unusual Formations)
- Skirmish Formation
- 1" Apart (Skirmishers)
- Coherency
- Facing & Line of Sight (Skirmishers)
- Movement & Manoeuvre (Skirmishers)
- Moving Through Skirmishers
- Skirmishers as Reinforcements
- Skirmishers & Shooting
- Enemy Fire (Skirmishers)
- Skirmishers & Panic
- Skirmishers in Combat
- Skirmishers & Rank Bonus
- Skirmishers & Disruption
- Characters Joining Skirmishers
- Skirmishers & Charging
- Formed Units Charging Skirmishers
- Skirmishers Charging Skirmishers
Troop Types in Detail
- Categories of Troop Type
- Characters (Troop Types)
- Troop Type Tables
- Infantry
- Regular Infantry
- Heavy Infantry
- Steady in the Ranks
- Monstrous Infantry
- Clumsy
- Swarms
- Insignificant
- No One Cares
- Undisciplined
- Cavalry
- Light Cavalry
- Split Profile (Cavalry)
- Cavalry Support
- Heavy Cavalry
- Monstrous Cavalry
- War Beasts
- Chariots
- Light Chariots
- Split Profile (Chariots)
- Iron Shod Wheels
- Churning Wheels
- Firing Platform
- Heavy Chariots
- Scythed Wheels
- Lumbering
- Monsters
- Monstrous Creatures
- Behemoths
- Thunderstomp
- War Machines
- Split Profile (War Machine)
- "We're Not Paid to Fight"
- Weapon of War
Command Groups
- What's in a Title?
- Position Within the Unit
- Not Enough Room
- "Make Way!"
- Champions
- Characteristics (Champions)
- Equipment (Champions)
- Champions & Shooting
- Champions in Combat
- Champions & Challenges
- Champions as Casualties
- Shooting (Champions)
- "Look Out, Sir!" (Champions)
- Combat (Champions)
- Standard Bearers
- Characteristics & Equipment (Standard Bearers)
- Combat Result Bonus (Standard Bearers)
- Trophies of War (Command Groups)
- Standard Bearers As Casualties
- Musicians
- Characteristics & Equipment (Musicians)
- "Onwards To Victory!"
- Steadying Rhythm
- Quick Time
- Musicians as Casualties
- Character Models
- Command Range
- General & Battle Standard
- The General (Characters)
- Selecting Your General
- Inspiring Presence
- The Battle Standard
- The Battle Standard Bearer Model
- Combat Result Bonus (The Battle Standard)
- "Hold Your Ground"
- Characters & Troop Type
- Mounted Characters
- Characters & Cavalry Mounts
- Characters & Ridden Monsters
- Split Profile (Ridden Monster)
- Characters & Chariot Mounts
- Split Profile (Chariot Mount)
- Characters & Formations
- Lone Characters
- Evade
- Targeting Lone Characters
- Characters & Units
- Unit Strength (Characters)
- Spells (Characters)
- Fleeing Units (Characters)
- Positioning Characters
- Leaving a Unit
- Measurement (Characters)
- Unit Facing & Line of Sight (Characters)
- Movement (Characters)
- Moving Through the Ranks
- Characters & Shooting
- Enemy Shooting (Characters)
- "Look Out, Sir!" (Characters)
- Characters in Combat
- Too Many Characters
- Excess Wounds
- Challenges
- Issuing A Challenge
- Accepting a Challenge
- Refusing a Challenge
- Nowhere to Run
- Fighting A Challenge
- Overkill (Characters)
- To The Death!
- Challenges & Mounts
Weapons of War
- Weapon Profiles
- Combat Weapons
- More than One Combat Weapon
- Hand Weapon
- Two Hand Weapons/Additional Hand Weapon
- Flail
- Great Weapon
- Halberd
- Morning Star
- Whip
- Spears
- Lance
- Cavalry Spear
- Throwing Spear
- Thrusting Spear
- Missile Weapons
- More than One Missile Weapon
- Bows
- Longbow
- Shortbow
- Warbow
- Black Powder Weapons
- Handgun
- Pistol
- Brace of Pistols
- Repeater Handgun
- Repeater Pistol
- Crossbows
- Crossbow
- Repeater Crossbow
- Repeater Handbow
- Brace of Repeater Handbows
- Thrown Weapons
- Throwing Weapons
- Javelin
- Sling
- Throwing Axe
- Armour
- Armour Value
- Light Armour
- Heavy Armour
- Full Plate Armour
- Maximum Armour Value
- No Armour
- Unusual Armour
- Additional Equipment
- Shield
- Barding
- Wizards & Armour (Weapons)
Battlefield Terrain
- How Much Terrain?
- The Size of Things
- Placing Terrain
- Categories of Terrain
- Open Ground
- Difficult Terrain
- Dangerous Terrain
- Impassable Terrain
- Low & High Linear Obstacles
- Low Linear Obstacles
- Defended Low Linear Obstacles
- High Linear Obstacles
- Woods
- Woodland Boundaries
- Arboreal Gloom
- Hills
- Vantage Point
- Beyond the Crest
- Battlefield Decoration
- Combining Terrain Categories
- Special Features
- Using Special Features
- Placing Special Features
- Controlling a Special Feature
- Benefits of Control
- Proximity
- Occupancy
- Arcane Monolith
- Monument of Glory
- Dark Ruins
- Tower
Warhammer Armies
- Points Values & Size of Game
- Recommended Size of Game
- Minimum Three Units
- The General (Warhammer Armies)
- The Muster List
- Army Lists
- Army Composition Lists
- Grand Army
- Army of Infamy
- Understanding Army Composition Lists
- Percentages
- Number of Units
- Named Characters (Warhammer Armies)
- Mercenaries (Warhammer Armies)
- Misbehaving Mercenaries
- Misbehaving Mercenaries Table
- Allied Contingents
- Creating an Allied Contingent
- Allied Contingent Special Rules
- Types of Alliance
- Uneasy Allied Contingents
- Suspicious Allied Contingents
- Regimental Units & Detachments
- Using Regiments & Detachments
- Creating a Regimental Unit
- Creating a Detachment
- Detachment Special Rules
- Regimental Deployment
- Regimental Leadership
- Regimental Psychology
- Supporting Actions
- Supporting Charge
- Supporting Fire
Warhammer Battles
- Prepare for Battle
- Setting up your Battlefield
- Size of Battlefield
- Placing Terrain (Warhammer Battles)
- Deployment
- Alternating Units
- Reserves
- First Turn
- Game Length (Warhammer Battles)
- Conceding
- Time Limit
- Victory Points
- Dead or Fled
- The King is Dead
- Trophies of War (Warhammer Battles)
- Scenario Objectives
- Special Features (Warhammer Battles)
- Pitched Battles
- Historical Recreation
- Choosing a Pitched Battle Scenario
- Open Battle
- Break Point
- Flank Attack
- Meeting Engagement
- Mountain Pass
- Command & Control
Narrative Battles
- What is a Narrative Battle?
- Historical Recreations
- Custom Scenarios
- Narrative Scenarios
- Open Play
- Armies of Imagination
- "Think Of Them More As Guidelines"
- The Games Master
- The Role of a GM
- Forging a Narrative
- Narrative Locations
- Narrative Motives
- Linked Battles
- Campaign Narrative
- The Dark Monolith
- First Linked Battle
- Second Linked Battle
- Third Linked Battle