Source: Warhammer: The Old World Online Rules Index

Line of Sight
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You will often need to determine if one model or unit has a line of sight to another. To check a line of sight between models, stoop down to look from the model's point of view:

  • If a straight, uninterrupted line can be drawn from within the model's vision arc to any part of the other model, there is a line of sight.

  • If no such line can be drawn to the other model due to intervening terrain, or without crossing over or through another model, there is no line of sight.

A model is always within its own vision arc and always has a line of sight to itself and its unit. If at least one model in a unit has a line of sight to at least one model from another unit, that unit can 'see' the other unit.

Note that models and units always block line of sight. Therefore, it is normally only the models in the front rank of a unit that have a line of sight.

Next - Obscured Line Of Sight