Source: Warhammer: The Old World Online Rules Index

The Role of a GM
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The role a Games Master takes will vary from group to group. It may be a blend of all the points that follow or be something else entirely, as the players and their games require.

An Unbiased Observer

The role of GM can be to simply observe the game and offer an impartial opinion on any uncertainties that arise. Players can share secrets with the GM, such as the predetermined point that reinforcements will arrive from, or where Scouts are deployed in hiding. With a GM's help, entire armies can even be deployed in secret.

A Narrator & Storyteller

Some groups will be fortunate enough to include a member gifted in storytelling and the creation of unique scenarios. This can be utilised by allowing the individual, acting as GM, to set the scene and talk the players through the action as it unfolds. Should the game take an unexpected turn, a skilled GM can either alter the narrative to accommodate this, or gently nudge the action back onto the intended track.

An Arbiter of the Rules

For many, the role of GM is of someone who forges and re-forges the rules throughout a game to maintain the flow of the action. When taken in conjunction with the telling of an unfolding story, this can result in many unusual events happening, creating some truly memorable moments.

An Impartial Third Player

Imagine a group of skirmishers moving through a wood have disturbed the lair of a terrible beast, or the noise of a battle in an underground realm has awoken a slumbering Dragon. In such cases, these wandering monsters can be controlled by the GM. There may even be a third force involved in the game somehow, controlled by the GM.

Fate's Representative

Sometimes, a battle might need nudging along in a certain direction, and if the game is part of a campaign, this might be especially important. In such cases, a GM might choose to help one of the players in small ways, or to hinder another. Ideally, this should only be done when the action requires it.

The presence of a GM can add many extra levels to your games, and players are encouraged to give it a try – no one knows until they do just how much fun the role can be or who will be best at it.

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