The losing unit Gives Ground, breaking contact with, and moving 2" directly away from, the enemy unit(s) without turning, pivoting or otherwise changing its facing in any way, stopping immediately should it come into contact with another unit or terrain, or if continuing to move would bring it within a 1" of another enemy unit.
When a unit Gives Ground in this way, it must move as directly as possible away from all of the enemy units engaging it, and must break from base contact with the victorious enemy unit(s), as shown in Fig 155.1.
Most often this will mean that the losing unit simply moves 2" backwards or sideways, directly away from a single enemy unit. At other times, especially if a unit is engaged by enemy units in two adjacent arcs (for example, a unit that has been charged in both its front and a flank arc), this will cause the unit to move diagonally away from two or more enemy units.