Source: Warhammer: The Old World Online Rules Index

Cannon Fire
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1. Choose Target Point: Choose a point within both the war machine's line of sight and maximum range. This does not have to be an enemy model; it can be a point on the ground. Once you have chosen your target point, mark it with a small marker.

2. Fire: Once the target point has been marked, roll an Artillery dice:

  • If a 'Misfire' is rolled, something has gone horribly wrong. Roll immediately on the appropriate Misfire table to determine exactly what.

  • If a number is rolled, move the target point marker that many inches, directly away from the cannon. This is the ‘strike point’ – the point at which the cannonball strikes the ground.

3. Bounce: Unless the cannon misfired, the cannonball will bounce from the strike point, tearing through anything in its path. To determine how far the cannonball bounces, roll another Artillery dice:

  • If a 'Misfire' is rolled, the cannonball buries itself in the ground and comes to a rest.

  • If a number is rolled, the cannonball bounces, as shown in Fig 226.1. Measure the distance of the bounce from the strike point, directly away from the cannon.

Fig 226.1 - The first roll of the Artillery dice is a 2, meaning the cannonball strikes the ground 2" ahead of the target point. The second roll is an 8, so the cannonball bounces 8".

4. Determine Hits: Once the strike point and the distance of the bounce have been established, it is time to determine which models (if any) have been hit:

  • Any model whose base lies underneath the strike point is hit automatically.

  • Any model whose base lies under the path of the bouncing cannonball is hit automatically.

However, should a cannonball bounce through a formed unit, it can hit a maximum of:

  • One model per rank, if the cannon lies in the unit’s front or rear arc.

  • One model per file, if the cannon lies in the unit’s flank arc. Models that lie fully beyond the distance of the bounce are not hit.

5. Crunch: Sometimes, a bouncing cannonball will encounter something that stops it dead:

  • If the cannonball hits a model whose troop type is monstrous creature or behemoth, it stops immediately. No further models are hit.

  • If the path of the cannonball meets a hill, impassable terrain or a high linear obstacle, it stops immediately. No further models are hit.

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