1. Choose Target Point: Choose a point within both the war machine's line of sight and maximum range. This does not have to be an enemy model; it can be a point on the ground. Once you have chosen your target point, mark it with a small marker.
2. Fire: Once the target point has been marked, roll an Artillery dice:
If a 'Misfire' is rolled, something has gone horribly wrong. Roll immediately on the appropriate Misfire table to determine exactly what.
If a number is rolled, move the target point marker that many inches, directly away from the cannon. This is the ‘strike point’ – the point at which the cannonball strikes the ground.
3. Bounce: Unless the cannon misfired, the cannonball will bounce from the strike point, tearing through anything in its path. To determine how far the cannonball bounces, roll another Artillery dice:
If a 'Misfire' is rolled, the cannonball buries itself in the ground and comes to a rest.
If a number is rolled, the cannonball bounces, as shown in Fig 226.1. Measure the distance of the bounce from the strike point, directly away from the cannon.
4. Determine Hits: Once the strike point and the distance of the bounce have been established, it is time to determine which models (if any) have been hit:
Any model whose base lies underneath the strike point is hit automatically.
Any model whose base lies under the path of the bouncing cannonball is hit automatically.
However, should a cannonball bounce through a formed unit, it can hit a maximum of:
One model per rank, if the cannon lies in the unit’s front or rear arc.
One model per file, if the cannon lies in the unit’s flank arc. Models that lie fully beyond the distance of the bounce are not hit.
5. Crunch: Sometimes, a bouncing cannonball will encounter something that stops it dead:
If the cannonball hits a model whose troop type is monstrous creature or behemoth, it stops immediately. No further models are hit.
If the path of the cannonball meets a hill, impassable terrain or a high linear obstacle, it stops immediately. No further models are hit.