When the model's turn to fight comes.
Source: Warhammer: The Old World Online Rules Index
Combat - Frequently Asked QuestionsURL Copied!
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Models that are in base contact with different enemy units can choose which to attack. When is this decision made, at the start of the combat or when the model's turn to fight comes?URL Copied!
Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3
Models in the fighting rank that are killed before they have a chance to fight cannot, but can a model make a supporting attack if the model in front of it is slain?URL Copied!
Yes, if they have not been killed, models able to make supporting attacks can do so as normal. In other words, casualties inflicted reduce firstly the number of models in the fighting rank that are able to fight and secondly the number of models in the 'supporting rank' that are able to fight.
Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3
How many attacks can a model with a split profile make if it is in the fighting rank but not in base contact with the enemy?URL Copied!
A model with a split profile consists of not one model, but several, all sharing the same base. Therefore, each model on that base could make a single attack. In the case of a cavalry model, for example, this would be one attack from the rider and one from their mount.
Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3
My unit charges an enemy unit that is defending a low linear obstacle, making base contact with the obstacle rather than the unit. Can my unit make Impact Hits or Stomp Attacks?URL Copied!
No. Models must be in base contact with the enemy to make Impact Hits or Stomp Attacks.
Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3
Can a Close Order unit of just one model claim the Close Order combat result bonus?URL Copied!
Yes, provided it has a Unit Strength of 5 or more (as per the errata on page 1). As mentioned previously, a Close Order unit of just one model is still a Close Order unit.
Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3
If my unit loses a round of combat and either Gives Ground or Falls Back in Good Order, can it choose to use different weapons in the next turn if the enemy made a Follow Up or Pursuit move?URL Copied!
No. Even though the units separated momentarily, they remain locked in place and engaged in an ongoing combat once the Follow Up or Pursuit move has been made. In other words, because the combat is ongoing, neither unit is able to swap one weapon for another.
Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3
What happens to a unit that Gives Ground whilst within 2" of the edge of the battlefield?URL Copied!
Should any part of a unit cross beyond the edge of the battlefield whilst it is Giving Ground, the entire unit is removed from play and counts as having been destroyed.
Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3
What happens to a unit that cannot Give Ground due to the presence of another unit?URL Copied!
The unit's movement stops immediately, as if it were surrounded.
Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3
What happens if a unit that wishes to make a pursuit or overrun move cannot move due to the presence of other units?URL Copied!
It may happen that it is simply impossible for a pursuing or overrunning unit to move without it ending up 'on top' of another unit. In such cases, the unit does not move, but is considered to have made a pursuit or overrun move.
Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3
If a unit completely destroys its enemy in combat and makes an overrun move, can it attempt to reform after moving?URL Copied!
Unless it pursued into a fresh enemy, yes. A unit that overruns makes a normal pursuit move and, since its enemy has already been wiped out, it may attempt to reform as if it had run down its foe, as described on page 129.
Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3