Source: Warhammer: The Old World Online Rules Index

Frequently Asked Questions
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This section contains all the officially released frequently asked questions from the Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata – Version 1.3, Forces of Fantasy FAQ & Errata – Version 1.2, and Ravening Hordes FAQ & Errata – Version 1.2 PDFs. Official Games Workshop PDFs are available here: The Old World Downloads. Also see Errata & Amendments.

Currently displaying all results.

General Principles

If a specific natural roll triggers an effect, is that effect still triggered if the dice is re-rolled and the re-roll gives a different result?

No. When you re-roll a dice, the previous roll is discarded. This includes any effects that roll may have triggered.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

What happens if a Hit is rolled on the Scatter dice for an object that moves in a random direction, do I use the small arrow on the Hit icon to determine the direction?

Essentially, objects that move in a random direction scatter, as described on page 95. Such objects only move in the direction shown by the small arrow on the Hit icon if the rules tell you they do so. Otherwise, the object does not move.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Can a unit arrayed in Close Order or Open Order formation be one model wide?


Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

If some of my opponent’s attacks cause multiple Wounds to be lost per unsaved wound they cause, in what order are those unsaved wounds applied to my unit?

Apply unsaved wounds to a unit one at a time and one model at a time. When a model is reduced to zero Wounds on its profile, it is removed from play as a casualty (as described on page 102). If a model loses more Wounds than it has on its profile, the excess wounds are lost – they do not spill over onto other models in the same unit.

With this in mind, apply unsaved wounds that cause models to lose all of their remaining Wounds first (Killing Blows and Monster Slaying Blows, for example), then unsaved wounds that cause multiple Wounds to be lost (Multiple Wounds (X), for example), then, finally, unsaved wounds that cause a single Wound to be lost.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

How does a Close Order unit of just one model act, is it still a Close Order formation, or does it act like a Skirmisher?

A Close Order unit always acts as such, even if it only contains a single model.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Does a unit count as being obscured when some of the models within it are behind others?

No. A unit cannot be obscured from the enemy by itself.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3


Casting the same Enchantment or Hex spells on a unit more than once has no further effect, but what about spells with a range of 'Self' that affect all units within a certain distance of the caster?

Unless stated otherwise, such spells are not cumulative and casting them multiple times will have no further effect.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

If a Wizard Miscasts and rolls 8 or higher on the Miscast table, is it only that Wizard that cannot attempt to cast any more spells for the remainder of that turn, or is it all Wizards in their army?

A roll of 8 or higher on the Miscast table affects all friendly Wizards.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

If a Wizard has a magic item or special rule that allows them to re-roll a failed Casting roll, can they re-roll a natural double 1 and avoid a Miscast?

No. A roll of a natural double 1 isn't merely a failed Casting roll, it is a Miscast, as described on page 109.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

If a spell has two Casting Values, do I have to say which I'm attempting to cast the spell at before making my Casting roll?

No, your casting result determines the 'strength' of the spell. In other words, the higher your casting result, the more power the spell will have and the greater its effect will be.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

What happens to a Remains in Play spell that is already in effect if the Wizard that cast it attempts to cast it again?

It ends immediately.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Can a model wearing armour or carrying a shield cast a Bound spell?


Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Can a Wizard attempt to dispel a Bound spell by attempting a Wizardly dispel?

If the Wizard is within range of the model casting the Bound spell and not otherwise prevented from attempting a Wizardly dispel, yes. As stated on page 109, you may attempt to dispel a Bound spell as usual.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Can a Wizard with a physical attribute that 'counts as' a type of armour (such as a Treeman Ancient's arboreal armour) make Casting or Dispel rolls?

Yes. Whilst such attributes are as protective as a suit of armour, such models do not wear armour.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Does a Wizard that has joined a unit need to be in base contact with an enemy model to cast an Assailment spell, or do they only need to be within the fighting rank?

They only need to be within the fighting rank.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

If a unit with the Fly (X) special rule moves over a magical vortex that counts as dangerous terrain, is it affected by it?

Yes. Magical vortexes are considered tall enough to affect even models that are flying high above the battlefield.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3


What constitutes a 'move'?

Quite simply, if you touch a model or unit and change its position in any way, it has moved. There are some exceptions to this, a war machine that pivots does not count as having moved, for example, but in the vast majority of cases, the term 'move' follows the broadest definition; if a model or unit shifts its position or changes its location, it has moved.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

What is the furthest a model can move?

No model can move more than twice its Movement characteristic or, when movement is determined by a dice roll (such as when a unit charges or flees), further than the distance rolled. There are, of course, exceptions to this, the most obvious being when a unit in Marching Column marches at triple its Movement characteristic, when models are moved by the effect of a spell, when a unit is obliged to continue its move rather than end up 'on top' of another unit, and obligatory moves (such as when a charging unit wheels to align with the enemy, or when a unit pivots before fleeing).

Note that when a unit wheels, those at its rear do not really follow a long, curving path, as it might appear when moving a large block of models on the table. In reality, those models would take a more direct route, following the path of the front rank and resuming their formation behind it. Accordingly, we do not measure the distance moved by models in the rear ranks of a wheeling unit.

Note also that, when a unit is permitted a free manoeuvre before or after moving, this is free in that it does not count towards the move itself, but the limitation that no model can move more than twice its Movement characteristic applies within the manoeuvre.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Can a unit that rallies and reforms during the Rally Fleeing Units sub-phase move during the Movement phase?


Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Can a unit move whilst locked in combat?


Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Is a unit's maximum possible charge range the maximum distance from an enemy unit at which it can declare a charge, or the maximum distance it can move when making a charge move?

It is the maximum distance from an enemy unit at which it can declare a charge.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

When a unit performs a manoeuvre, can its front edge pass through another unit?

No. The only exception to this is when a unit pivots.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

When a unit wheels, is it acceptable for a rear corner to pass through another unit?

Yes, provided the unit does not end its movement 'on top' of another unit or within 1" of an enemy unit.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

If a unit will have to wheel before or during a charge, do I have to allow for that when declaring and measuring the charge?

Yes. Wheeling during a charge is part of the charge move. The free wheel to align once contact is made is free.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Does a unit that has to declare a charge due to being Frenzied or Impetuous have to do so if a friendly unit of Skirmishers lies between it and a potential charge target, obstructing its movement?

If there is a chance of the Skirmishers moving so that they are no longer an obstruction (if they declare a charge, for example), yes. Otherwise, no.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Although it cannot make a charge move, a unit in Marching Column can declare a charge. Why is this?

There are several reasons. Firstly, a Drilled unit that declares a charge whilst in Marching Column can freely redress its ranks to adopt Combat Order after determining its charge range, but before moving, thus allowing it to make a charge move.

Secondly, units that are obliged to declare a charge in certain circumstances (those that are Frenzied or Impetuous, for example) must do so even whilst in Marching Column. If they cannot make the charge move, they don't move at all and the charge is failed. This prevents Marching Column being used to avoid declaring compulsory charges.

Alternatively, there might be a psychological advantage to declaring a charge with a Marching Column. For example, the unit might cause Terror, or the charge target might already be fleeing.

Of course, it isn't easy to set up situations where such tactics can be used and therein lies the challenge.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

If a Drilled unit in Marching Column has to declare a charge due to being Frenzied or Impetuous, can it choose not to use Drilled to redress the ranks and adopt combat order?

If it is able to redress the ranks (i.e., if there is space for it to do so), no. A unit that is obliged to charge must endeavour to make use of any special rules it has in order to charge. The unit just really wants to charge, and it'll play this game without you if it has to!

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

When a unit redirects a charge, can it charge a unit that lies beyond its maximum possible charge range?


Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

When a unit enters the battle as reinforcements, is there a limit to how far onto the battlefield models can be placed?

Yes. The unit is considered to have moved onto the battlefield. Therefore, no model can be placed more than twice its Movement characteristic from the edge of the battlefield its unit enters from.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Can a Wizard cast a Conveyance spell during a turn in which they charged?


Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3


Can a model use a Breath weapon after marching?

No. A model cannot shoot during the Shooting phase if it marched during the preceding Movement phase and, although they work differently to most missile weapons, Breath weapons are a type of missile weapon.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Can a unit that is partially on a hill shoot in two ranks or draw a line of sight across other units that are not themselves on a hill?

Only with those models that are on the hill. For example, if a unit consists of twenty models in two ranks of 10 and only 5 models in each rank are on the hill, only those 10 models can claim the benefits of shooting from a hill.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Can a unit on a hill draw a line of sight across and shoot over another unit on the same hill?

A unit that is closer to the top of a hill (i.e., the centre of the hill or the edge of the battlefield) can draw a line of sight across and shoot over one that is closer to the bottom. Units cannot draw a line of sight across or shoot over units that are closer to the top of a hill than they are.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Some chariots are equipped with large scale missile weapons such as bolt throwers. Who shoots such weapons; the crew, the beasts that draw the chariot, or the chariot itself?

Missile weapons mounted on chariots (or howdahs) are shot by the crew, using their Ballistic Skill.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

How many Magic Missiles or Magical Vortexes can a Wizard attempt to cast during the Shooting phase?

As many as they know. Though there are exceptions (some magic items allow a Wizard to know extra spells but limit how many they can cast per turn, for example), a Wizard can usually attempt to cast each of their spells once per turn.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3


Models in the fighting rank that are killed before they have a chance to fight cannot, but can a model make a supporting attack if the model in front of it is slain?

Yes, if they have not been killed, models able to make supporting attacks can do so as normal. In other words, casualties inflicted reduce firstly the number of models in the fighting rank that are able to fight and secondly the number of models in the 'supporting rank' that are able to fight.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

How many attacks can a model with a split profile make if it is in the fighting rank but not in base contact with the enemy?

A model with a split profile consists of not one model, but several, all sharing the same base. Therefore, each model on that base could make a single attack. In the case of a cavalry model, for example, this would be one attack from the rider and one from their mount.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

My unit charges an enemy unit that is defending a low linear obstacle, making base contact with the obstacle rather than the unit. Can my unit make Impact Hits or Stomp Attacks?

No. Models must be in base contact with the enemy to make Impact Hits or Stomp Attacks.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Can a Close Order unit of just one model claim the Close Order combat result bonus?

Yes, provided it has a Unit Strength of 5 or more (as per the errata on page 1). As mentioned previously, a Close Order unit of just one model is still a Close Order unit.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

If my unit loses a round of combat and either Gives Ground or Falls Back in Good Order, can it choose to use different weapons in the next turn if the enemy made a Follow Up or Pursuit move?

No. Even though the units separated momentarily, they remain locked in place and engaged in an ongoing combat once the Follow Up or Pursuit move has been made. In other words, because the combat is ongoing, neither unit is able to swap one weapon for another.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

What happens to a unit that Gives Ground whilst within 2" of the edge of the battlefield?

Should any part of a unit cross beyond the edge of the battlefield whilst it is Giving Ground, the entire unit is removed from play and counts as having been destroyed.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

What happens to a unit that cannot Give Ground due to the presence of another unit?

The unit's movement stops immediately, as if it were surrounded.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

What happens if a unit that wishes to make a pursuit or overrun move cannot move due to the presence of other units?

It may happen that it is simply impossible for a pursuing or overrunning unit to move without it ending up 'on top' of another unit. In such cases, the unit does not move, but is considered to have made a pursuit or overrun move.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

If a unit completely destroys its enemy in combat and makes an overrun move, can it attempt to reform after moving?

Unless it pursued into a fresh enemy, yes. A unit that overruns makes a normal pursuit move and, since its enemy has already been wiped out, it may attempt to reform as if it had run down its foe, as described on page 129.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3


If a Wizard engaged in a challenge knows and uses an Assailment spell that can hit multiple enemy models (such as Assailment spells that use a template), are multiple enemy models hit, or is it only the other participant in the challenge that can be hit?

When an Assailment spell is cast in a challenge, it can only hit the other participant in the challenge.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

If one participant in a challenge causes Impact Hits or makes Stomp Attacks, where are they directed?

They are directed against the other participant in the challenge.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

If one participant in a challenge is killed, can other models engaged in the same combat direct their Attacks against the survivor during the same Combat phase when it is their turn to fight?

No. Even if one participant in a challenge has been slain, the challenge is considered to be ongoing until the end of the current Combat phase.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Is Overkill counted by or against a champion in a challenge, or does it only count for characters?

Overkill counts in all challenges, whether the participants are characters or champions.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Two characters are engaged in a challenge whilst their units battle around them. At the end of the round, the losing unit might Fall Back in Good Order or Give Ground. If their enemy pursues or follows up, does the challenge continue?

Yes. As stated on page 211, if both participants in a challenge survive the round and if the combat continues, the challenge continues.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

The Psychology of War

Units must make a Panic test when a nearby friendly unit with a Unit Strength of 5 or more is destroyed. When is Unit Strength counted – from the start of the turn, the start of the phase, or the point at which the unit is destroyed?

From the start of the phase during which the unit was destroyed. For example, if a friendly unit with a Unit Strength of 10 is destroyed by enemy shooting during a single Shooting phase, it causes panic in nearby friendly units. Players are not expected to remember the Unit Strength of every unit from turn to turn or phase to phase, but should keep track of Unit Strength during each phase.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Universal Special Rules

Can you choose not to roll for the arrival of Ambushers during your Start of Turn sub-phase?

No. Unless the unit itself or the scenario being played has a special rule that changes the way in which Ambushers arrive, you must roll for their arrival during each of your turns, from round two onwards. However, any special rules that affect the arrival of Ambushers which take effect after the Start of Turn sub-phase but before the Compulsory Moves sub-phase may be used as normal, regardless of the result of the Ambushers roll.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

If a weapon with the Armour Bane (X) special rule also has the Poisoned Attacks special rule, what happens if I roll a natural 6 when rolling To Hit?

A rule such as Armour Bane (X) can have no effect if no roll To Wound is made. In such cases, you may choose to roll To Wound as normal in the hope of improving the weapon's AP characteristic, but if you do the effect of Poisoned Attacks is lost and you must accept the result of the roll To Wound.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Some mounted models have the Counter Charge special rule but others do not, even though they have the same type of mount. Is this intentional?

Yes. Counter Charge is a rule that represents the skill and ferocity of the rider, not their mount. In other words, not every rider is willing or able to perform a counter charge, regardless of their mount.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

If a unit charged by two or more enemy units Counter Charges one of them, it may end its movement presenting a different arc to the other charging unit(s). Do those units resolve their charges against those arcs?

Yes. When a unit Counter Charges, it risks exposing its flanks or rear to the enemy, such are the perils of bravado.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

If a unit whose troop type is 'infantry' that has been joined by a character whose troop type is 'cavalry' charges an enemy unit with the Counter Charge special rule, can that unit Counter Charge?

No. A unit's troop type doesn't change when joined by a character.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

How far does a model with the Random Movement special rule move when making a Counter Charge?

As stated in the Counter Charge special rule, a model that makes a Counter Charge moves D3+1".

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Can a Drilled unit redress the ranks before Giving Ground?

Yes. A unit that Gives Ground is not a fleeing unit.

Note that, as mentioned previously, should any part of a unit cross beyond the edge of the battlefield whilst it is Giving Ground, the entire unit is removed from play and counts as having been destroyed. It is intentional that a Drilled unit might be able to avoid this fate.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Do effects that modify a model's Movement characteristic also modify how far a model with the Fly (X) special rule can fly?

Yes. If a model has the Fly (X) special rule, the number given in brackets is essentially a second Movement characteristic. Any effect that modifies one will modify both.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Can a model with two versions of the Fly (X) special rule combine both and fly further?

No. A model that has more than one version of the Fly (X) special rule essentially has two Movement characteristics it can use when flying. Of these, you may use the best.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

If a model with a split profile has the Impact Hits (X) special rule, do all parts of the model cause Impact Hits?

No. Impact Hits are only made by a mount, not by its rider(s). In the case of a chariot, Impact Hits are made by the chariot itself, not by the beasts that draw it. If a rider has their own Impact Hits (X) special rule, these are made separately by the rider.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

If a unit with the Impact Hits (X) rule overruns or pursues into contact with an enemy unit it counts as having charged in the next turn and, if it moved far enough, will be able to make Impact Hits. If that unit is charged in its flank or rear by another enemy unit before the Combat phase of the next turn, can it direct its Impact Hits against the charging enemy unit?

No. A model can only direct an Impact Hit against an enemy it has moved into base contact with. This remains the case even if a challenge arises involving a model within a unit that charges the flank or rear of the unit making the Impact Hits. In such cases, Impact Hits cannot be directed against the other participant in the challenge. Instead, they are directed against the unit charged by the model making the Impact Hits.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

If a unit with Frenzy or Impetuous has two movement characteristics (for example, if it can also Fly), does it have to use the greater when determining if it must declare a charge?

If it is able to use the greater, then yes, it must (tactically, you might not want it to, but a Frenzied Lord of Chaos on a mighty Dragon doesn't care about your tactics!).

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

If a unit that is subject to Frenzy becomes subject to Frenzy again, does it get +2 Attacks?

No. A unit is either Frenzied or it isn't, multiple instances of Frenzy are not cumulative.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

If some models in a unit cause Fear but others do not, do I use the Unit Strength of the whole unit or just that of the models that cause Fear to determine if an enemy unit has a lower Unit Strength?

Count only the Unit Strength of the models that cause Fear.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Can models in the rear ranks of a unit shoot at a Large Target?

Yes. As stated on page 172, a model can draw a line of sight to a Large Target over or through other models.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Units with the Motley Crew special rule use the armour value of the 'majority' of models. What if there is an even number of different armour values?

In such cases, use the better armour value.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

What happens if a unit with the Move through Cover special rule is joined by a character without it?

Units move at the speed of their slowest model. Therefore, whilst the unit would suffer no penalty for moving through difficult or dangerous terrain, the character would, potentially reducing how far the entire unit can move.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

What happens if a weapon is subject to both the Ponderous and Quick Shot special rules?

The rules effectively cancel one another out, meaning the weapon would suffer a -1 To Hit modifier for Moving and Shooting.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Can a character that is fleeing use the Rallying Cry special rule?

No, because no one would hear them over the sound of them running away.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Can a unit with the Random Movement special rule move around or past an enemy unit, out of one arc and into another, before making contact with that unit?

No. Whilst units that move randomly do not declare charges, if you wish to move one into contact with an enemy unit, it must fulfil the same criteria as any other charging unit during its movement, as detailed on page 126.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

How far does a unit with the Random Movement special rule move when Giving Ground?

All units move 2" when Giving Ground.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Can two Regeneration saves be combined together to improve the armour value?

No, armour values given as a target number cannot be combined to lower the target number. As with Ward saves, only a single Regeneration save can be attempted and different Regeneration saves cannot be combined together. If a model has more than one Regeneration save, simply use the best.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Is the armour value of a Regeneration save improved by a shield, barding or a magic item that improves armour?

Unless the item specifically states Regeneration saves are improved, no.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

If a model with the Regeneration (X+) special rule passes its Regeneration save against an attack with the Multiple Wounds (X) special rule, do I still need to roll the dice if the number of Multiple Wounds is generated by a dice roll?

If the model has more than a single Wound, yes. Even though the wounds were saved, they still count towards the combat result (to a maximum of +5 for the purposes of Overkill in a challenge). If the model has only a single Wound, there is no need.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Can a model make a Regeneration save when it "loses a Wound"? For example, if a model "loses a Wound" due to being Unstable, can I attempt to make a save?

No. If a rule states that Wounds are "lost", the affected model has suffered one or more unsaved wounds, as described on page 102, meaning one or more Wounds are lost from its profile.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Can a unit that deploys using the Scouts special rule make a Vanguard move?


Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

If a model with a split profile has the Stomp Attacks (X) special rule, do all parts of the model make Stomp Attacks?

No. Stomp attacks are only made by a mount, not by its rider(s). In the case of a chariot, Stomp Attacks are made by the beasts that draw it or, if there are no beasts, by the chariot itself.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

When a unit that does not have the Stupidity special rule is joined by a character that does, the unit becomes subject to the special rule. What happens if the character leaves the unit?

The unit ceases to be subject to Stupidity the moment the character leaves the unit.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

If a unit with the Stupidity special rule fails its Leadership test, how long is it Stupid for?

Units test for Stupidity in each of their Start of Turn sub-phases unless they are engaged in combat. By extension, a unit that fails a Stupidity test remains Stupid only until it passes a subsequent test.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

When a unit that has succumbed to Stupidity moves, how far must it move?

As far as its controlling player wishes, provided it moves straight ahead, without performing any manoeuvres.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

When I move a unit that has succumbed to Stupidity, can I move it into base contact with an enemy unit?


Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

If a unit of Skirmishers succumbs to Stupidity, in which direction do they move?

They should continue moving in the general direction they moved the previous turn or, if they did not move in the previous turn, towards the nearest enemy unit.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Swiftstride enables a model to move further during a charge move than its maximum possible charge range. Why is this?

Because models with this special rule delight in running down cowards who flee before a charge!

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

When do you declare that you are using Swiftstride?

Before making a Charge, Flee or Pursuit roll.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Do models that cause Terror cause it in models that cause Fear?

No. Models that cause Terror cause Fear in models with the Fear special rule, even though such models are normally immune to Fear.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

If a character without the Vanguard special rule joins a unit with it during deployment, can the character make a Vanguard move with the unit?

No. What’s more, if the unit is formed, it will not be able to make a Vanguard move; the presence of a character without the Vanguard special rule within its ranks prevents it. However, if the unit is in Skirmish formation, it can make its Vanguard move as normal, leaving the character behind.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Can a character without the Veteran special rule that has joined a unit with the Veteran special rule benefit from it when attempting to use a special rule that requires them to make a Leadership test (Rallying Cry, for example)?

No. When a character attempts to use a special rule that requires them to make a Leadership test, they must use their own Leadership characteristic and, unless specifically stated otherwise, cannot use any additional special rules they themselves do not have.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Unusual Formations

Some attacks allow a specific model within a unit to be targeted. Can such an attack be used to break the coherency of a unit of Skirmishers and cause other models to be removed as well?

No. As stated on page 184, you cannot remove a model from a unit of Skirmishers if doing so would cause the unit to lose coherency. However, if an attack targets a specific model (such as a champion or a character), that model must be removed if the attack reduces it to zero Wounds. In such cases, simply replace the removed model with another model belonging to the same unit, one that could be removed as a casualty, in order to maintain unit coherency.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

How do I determine the centre of a unit of Skirmishers?

The centre is the point that is equally distant from the models at the extremities of the group. However, when considering blast templates, the purpose of placing a blast template over the centre of a unit is to ensure a significant number of models are underneath it. In the case of a unit of Skirmishers, this is not always possible. Therefore, you may place the central hole of a blast template over the model closest to the centre of a unit of Skirmishers.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Sometimes, when a unit of Skirmishers charges or is charged, some of the models cannot move far enough to form up with the rest of the unit. What happens to those models?

The unit loses coherency, as described on page 184. This means models belonging to the unit must be removed from play as casualties until the unit becomes coherent.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

How does a unit of Skirmishers form up when charged by two or more different enemy units from different directions?

The Skirmishers should form up against the first charging unit to move into contact with them. The remaining enemy units then charge the formed Skirmishers. If any units are unable to complete their charge moves, their charges are failed.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Do Skirmishers have flank or rear arcs whilst engaged in combat?


Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3


If a unit that is subject to any Leadership modifiers uses the General's Inspiring Presence rule (or any other rule that allows a unit to use the Leadership of a nearby character), does the unit ignore these modifiers?

No, the modifier will still apply. For example, if a unit loses a round of combat to an enemy that causes Terror, the -1 modifier to Leadership caused by Terror applies to whichever Leadership characteristic the unit makes its Break test against, be that its own or that of a nearby character.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

If my Battle Standard Bearer refuses a challenge and retires from combat, can other units still benefit from their "Hold Your Ground" special rule?

Not whilst that character's unit is still engaged with the model that issued the challenge. Battle standards are somewhat less inspirational whilst being used as a blanket to hide beneath.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

When a character takes a chariot as a mount, do they replace one of the crew?

No. The points you pay for a chariot include its crew, whether that chariot is included in your army on its own or as a mount for a character. However, in reality it might prove difficult to fit a character and the full complement of crew into the chariot model itself. If so, it is perfectly acceptable to remove one or more of the crew models to make space for the character. In such cases, we can think of the missing crew model's profile(s) as a way of representing that the beasts pulling a character's chariot are bound to be bigger, stronger and better trained than normal.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

If I have a character with an armour value of 6+ mounted on a chariot with an armour value of 4+, for example, am I obliged to use the chariot's armour value?

No, you choose whichever armour value is better. However, allowing for magical armour and other special rules, 'better' is somewhat subjective. Obviously an armour value of 4+ is better than one of 6+ but there is often more to deciding which armour to use than just the armour value it offers, many types of magic armour confer additional bonuses that make them better. Basically, when the rules say 'choose', they are giving you a choice.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

If a character mounted on a ridden monster or chariot carries a shield, does that improve the mount's armour value?

No, a shield is carried by the character, not the mount.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Can a character who is within the fighting rank of their unit but not in base contact with the enemy move through the ranks so that they are?

No. Characters can move through the ranks into the fighting rank, but cannot move within the fighting rank.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Can a character be placed amongst a unit's command group?


Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

My unit wishes to shoot at an enemy lone character. However, an enemy unit that is more than 3" away from that character presents a closer target. Can I shoot at the lone character?

Yes. The rule that a lone character cannot be shot at unless they are the closest target only extends to units they are within 3" of. If a unit is more than 3" from the character, it does not protect them, regardless of how close it is to the enemy.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Cannon do not directly target enemy models; they target a point on the ground. How does this work with Targeting Lone characters? Can a cannon be fired in such a way as to hit a Lone character that would normally be protected from shooting by their proximity to a friendly unit?

The purpose of the Targeting Lone Characters rule is to protect characters from enemy shooting, even from shooting that does not follow the usual rules (though it does not protect them from templates). Therefore, and in the spirit of this rule, unless they are the closest target to the cannon, an enemy character that is within 3" of a friendly unit that contains five or more models of the same troop type cannot be struck by a cannonball, even if their base lies directly under the path of the bouncing cannonball. However, if a Lone character's base lies directly underneath the strike point of a cannonball, they are hit.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

If a named character is equipped with a mundane weapon such as a lance or cavalry spear and a magic weapon, can they choose to use the lance or cavalry spear, or must they use their magic weapon?

They must use their magic weapon. However, some named characters will carry a 'back-up' weapon which they can use should their magic weapon be destroyed.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Weapons of War

Do special rules conferred by a model's weapon apply to attacks made by that model's mount?

No. Any rules conferred by a weapon, be it magical or mundane, apply only to attacks made with that weapon. This can include, but is not limited to, rules unique to a specific type of weapon, special rules that apply to a particular weapon, or special rules that apply to a magic weapon. For example, if a Wizard is armed with the Sword of Swiftness, attacks made with that weapon have the Strikes First special rule, but the Wizard cannot claim that wielding the weapon allows them to cast Assailment spells at Initiative 10.

To give another example, if a model has a special rule unique to its faction that grants additional rules to a hand weapon (the crew of an Orc Boar Chariot have the Choppas special rule, for example), that rule applies only to actual hand weapons carried by riders or chariot crew, not to weapons belonging to mounts or draft animals that 'count as' hand weapons.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Some monsters have weapons with notes that state they must make, or may choose to make, one attack, or one additional attack, with that weapon in combat. Can they make more than one attack with such weapons?

No. If it is noted on a weapon's profile that the model may or must make a specific number of attacks with that weapon, normal attacks or otherwise, that's how many attacks it makes with that weapon.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Can a model armed with two hand weapons choose to fight with just one hand weapon?

Yes. As noted on page 213, unless stated otherwise, all models are assumed to be equipped with a hand weapon. A model with two has, by definition, two and may choose to fight with just one, foregoing the Extra Attacks (+1) special rule in favour of some other benefit.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

When can a model use a lance?

During any turn in which it charged or counts as having charged.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Can a missile weapon be used in combat?


Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Is the armour value of a Ward save improved by a shield, barding or a magic item that improves armour?

Unless the item specifically states Ward saves are improved, no.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

War Machines

If the Wounds characteristic of a war machine and its crew are different, which do I use to determine Unit Strength?

In such cases, use the Wounds characteristic of the crew.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Can a cannon target a point on the ground if woods or a hill lie between it and that point?

No, a cannon cannot shoot over woods or hills, even if it is on a hill. However, a stone thrower can if it chooses to fire indirectly.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Can a cannon target a point on the ground if another unit lies between it and that point?

Not unless that cannon is on a hill and the unit is not. However, as above, a stone thrower can if it chooses to fire indirectly.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Can a cannon be shot in such a way as to hit an enemy unit that is engaged in combat with a friendly unit?

No. Page 143 of the rulebook makes it clear that, except in rare cases, units cannot shoot enemy units that are engaged in combat. In the case of cannon, this means the target point cannot be placed in such a way as to risk the cannonball hitting a friendly unit, or an enemy unit engaged in combat with a friendly unit.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Can any type of cannon fire grapeshot?

Only cannons or weapons that fire using the 'Cannon Fire' special rule may also fire 'Grapeshot', as described on page 227 of the Warhammer: The Old World rulebook. This is in addition to any other special rules or additional modes of fire the weapon may have.

Source: Online Rules Index Interpretation & Official Forces of Fantasy FAQ & Errata - Version 1.1

Can a war machine shoot using the Ballistic Skill of a character that has joined it?

No. Because a war machine and its crew are treated as a single model, you must use the crew's BS.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Warhammer Armies

If my opponent and I have agreed to play a 2,000 points game but my army is not exactly 2,000 points (it's 1,997 points, for example), can I take two of something limited to 0-1 per 1,000 points by the army composition list I'm using?

Yes. Such limitations are based on the size of the game you are playing rather than the exact points value of your army.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Does an allied contingent have to abide by the restrictions given in the army composition list it is drawn from?

Yes. An allied contingent is a small army within a large army, made using a Grand Army or Army of Infamy composition list. Within a 2,000 points army, for example, an allied contingent of 500 points would have to spend at least 125 points on Core units, could spend no more than 250 points on characters, and would be unable to include any units limited to 0-1 per 1,000 points.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Do the points I spend on Core units within an allied contingent count towards the minimum percentage of Core units overall?


Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Does a spell cast on a Regimental Unit affect its Detachments, or vice versa?

No, spells that affect a unit only affect the unit they are cast on.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Warhammer Battles

The rulebook lists the minimum size of battlefield as 30" x 44" for games of up to 1,000 points, 44" x 60" for 1,001 to 3,000 points and 44" x 90" for games of 3,001 points or above. Do we have to use these sizes?

No. These are the minimum recommended sizes. The normal size battlefield for a game of between 2,000 and 3,000 points is 48" x 72" (4' x 6') and players are encouraged to use this. The minimum sizes are based on the folding card battlefields Games Workshop produces. These are ideal when space is an issue or for smaller games. For example, we prefer a 44" x 60" battlefield for a game of 1,000 or 1,500 points, rather than the more traditional 48" x 48" battlefield. We find the smaller, rectangular shape more pleasing.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Lores of Magic

Does the spell Plague of Rust reduce the armour value of a Ward or Regeneration save?


Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

If a unit upon which Earthen Ramparts has been cast is obliged to declare a charge (if the unit is Frenzied or Impetuous, for example), must it do so? If so, can it make a charge move?

Earthen Ramparts does not prevent a unit from declaring a charge, it prevents it from charging. In other words, yes the unit must declare a charge if obliged to do so. However, because the unit cannot charge, it does not move at all and the charge is failed.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Can a unit upon which Earthen Ramparts has been cast make a Counter Charge charge reaction?

No. A unit that Counter Charges counts as having charged, therefore a Counter Charge is a charge.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Can the spell Spectral Doppelganger from the Lore of Illusion be used with a magic weapon that allows the wielder to make only a single attack?

No. Weapons limited to a single attack can only inflict a single hit.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

How does the Spectral Doppelganger spell interact with weapons that have either the Strike First or Strike Last special rule?

The spell is cast at the Wizard's Initiative, meaning attacks generated by the spell are made at the Wizard's Initiative. However, if the casting Wizard wishes to use a weapon with the Strike Last special rule, those attacks are made at Initiative 1.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Magic Items

Does a magic standard that affects a unit's weapons (the Razor Standard, for example) also make those weapons magical, giving them the Magical Attacks special rule?

Not unless the description of the magic standard in question states that the weapons of a unit carrying it gain the Magical Attacks special rule. Generally speaking, purchasing a magic item doesn't conjure up additional bonuses from the æther.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Can the wearer of the Wizarding Hat cast spells whilst wearing armour?

Yes. The wearer of the Wizarding Hat is not actually a Wizard – their magical powers are granted by a haunted hat which is not affected by any armour the model may wear.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Can the wearer of the Wizarding Hat also wear a magic helmet, such as the Bedazzling Helm?

Yes, because one is an enchanted item, the other is a type of magic armour, but we hope anyone equipping a model in such a way would make the effort to depict it wearing two hats!

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

If a Wizard wears the Wizarding Hat, does it increase their Level of Wizardry?

No. As stated in the item's description, the wearer of the Wizarding Hat is a Level 1 Wizard and knows one randomly generated spell. This is clearly a huge detriment to a powerful Wizard, but might be a boon to any character that is not a Wizard.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Do potions affect a model's mount?


Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

If the Scroll of Transmogrification is successfully used against a Wizard mounted on a ridden monster (a Dragon, for example), what happens to the mount?

The Wizard is transmogrified, but not their mount. In the example given, you would be left with a Frog riding a Dragon.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

How many spells does a Wizard with an Arcane Familiar know? For example, does a Level 3 Wizard know three spells from two Lores (two from one and one from the other), or six spells, three from each Lore?

An Arcane Familiar does not increase the number of spells a Wizard knows, it simply allows them to know spells from two Lores. Thus a Level 3 Wizard would know three spells from two Lores.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Some models can be found in one faction's army list, but can be included in an army made using a composition list belonging to a different faction (Dragon Ogre Shaggoths, or units that can be included as Mercenaries, for example). What lists of magic items do such models have access to?

Models can purchase magic items from the list of common magic items in the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook, or from their own faction's list of magic items. A Dragon Ogre Shaggoth, for example, can purchase items from the common or Beastmen Brayherds magic item lists.

Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3

Beastmen Brayherds

Can the Hagtree Fetish be used to re-roll rolls To Wound caused by a Bound Spell?

No. Bound Spells are cast by the item they are bound to, whilst Arcane Items such as the Hagtree Fetish affect spells cast by their bearer. Therefore, unless an item specifies it has an effect upon Bound Spells, it does not.

Source: Official Ravening Hordes FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2

Does a unit with the Blood Greed special rule always roll only a single D6 when making a Pursuit roll, or only whilst Frenzied?

Only whilst Frenzied.

Source: Official Ravening Hordes FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2

Dwarfen Mountain Holds

Can a Royal Champion in a unit of Hammerers put weapon runes on their great hammer?

No. Weapon runes can only be inscribed upon a hand weapon or great weapon and, whilst a great hammer is similar to a great weapon, it is not a great weapon. A great hammer is a unique type of weapon with its own profile and rules.

Source: Official Forces of Fantasy FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2

If the musician and/or standard bearer in a unit of Slayers are models that have been upgraded to Giant Slayers, what happens if they are slain? Is their instrument and/or standard picked up by another Giant Slayer or by a Troll Slayer?

It rather depends on the models that remain in the unit. If any Giant Slayers remain, they will pick up the instrument or standard, replacing the slain models like for like. If no Giant Slayers remain, a Troll Slayer will take their place.

Note also that Giant Slayers are not unit champions. Thus in a unit of Slayers, the standard bearer would be the last model removed.

Source: Official Forces of Fantasy FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2

If a unit bearing a standard inscribed with the Master Rune of Hesitation Falls Back in Good Order and is pursued and caught by an enemy unit, does the rune take effect?

Yes. When a pursuing unit catches an enemy unit that Fell Back in Good Order, it counts as having charged that unit.

Source: Official Forces of Fantasy FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2

Arcane Journal: Dwarfen Mountain Holds

Do runes inscribed upon a Doomseeker’s whirling blades of death apply to Impact Hits?

Yes. As stated under Whirlwind of Death, Impact Hits caused by a Doomseeker are resolved using the profile of its whirling blades of death, which includes any runes the weapon is inscribed with.

Source: Official Forces of Fantasy FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2

Empire of Man

Can a Steam Tank's steam cannon fire grapeshot?

Yes. Grapeshot can be fired by any cannon (i.e., any weapon that fires using the 'Cannon Fire' special rule), as described on page 226 of the Warhammer: The Old World rulebook.

Source: Official Forces of Fantasy FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2

Can a Steam Tank's Engineer Commander and steam cannon both shoot during the same turn?

Yes. The Engineer Commander doesn't fire the steam cannon, imagine there's a (very hot and bothered) crew hidden away inside the Steam Tank whose endeavours leave the Engineer Commander free to fire their own weapon.

Source: Official Forces of Fantasy FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2

Before a Steam Tank charges, can it use the Steam Power special rule to increase how far it can move?

No. The Steam Power special rule can be used instead of marching by a model that cannot march. In other words, in instances where most models or units would increase their movement by marching, a Steam Tank can instead make use of the Steam Power special rule. Charging is not such an instance.

Source: Official Forces of Fantasy FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2

Are unsaved wounds caused by the mount of a model bearing the Laurels of Victory worth 2 combat result points?

No, only unsaved wounds caused by the bearer (the rider) count.

Source: Official Forces of Fantasy FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2

High Elf Realms

Can a Wizard with the Warden of Saphery Elven Honour purchase magic armour?


Source: Official Forces of Fantasy FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2

Does the Martial Prowess special rule allow models to make supporting attacks with weapons that do not have the Fight in Extra Rank special rule?

No. Martial Prowess grants the ability to make supporting attacks to the flank or rear, as well as to its front. It does not grant the ability to make supporting attacks to models not normally able to do so.

Source: Official Forces of Fantasy FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2

Kingdom of Bretonnia

Can a Bretonnian army pray for the Blessing of the Lady if it includes an allied contingent?

Yes. Note however that an allied contingent of Bretonnians taken as part of any other army cannot pray. In order for Bretonnians to pray, the army they are part of must have the Blessings of the Lady rule, which only Kingdom of Bretonnia armies have.

Source: Official Forces of Fantasy FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2

Can a character with the Shield of the Lady special rule retire to the rear of their unit after issuing a challenge, enabling them to avoid their opponent's attacks?

No. Once a challenge has been issued and accepted neither combatant can retire until the challenge is resolved. Chivalry demands it.

Source: Official Forces of Fantasy FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2

My army includes a character with the Gauntlet of the Duel and I want them to challenge a specific enemy character. Can my opponent choose a different model to accept the challenge in that character's stead?

Yes. Challenges are issued broadly; they are not issued to specific models. If several models could accept a challenge issued by the bearer of the Gauntlet of the Duel, one must accept the challenge, but their controlling player decides which.

Source: Official Forces of Fantasy FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2

How does a bolt thrower work when shooting at a unit in Lance formation?

The number of models hit is based on the number of ranks overall. For example, a Lance of six knights (arranged in ranks of one, two and three models) would suffer three hits. When a Lance is shot in its flank by a bolt thrower, the number of hits is based on the widest file. To continue the example above, three models would be hit based on the depth of the unit.

Source: Official Forces of Fantasy FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2

If a character whose mount has a different sized base to the models in a unit making up a Lance formation wishes to join that unit, where should I place the model?

The Lance formation offers a bit more flexibility than other formations. For example, it is perfectly acceptable to place a character such as a Duke or a Baron at the front of the Lance should you wish. In the case of a Handmaiden of the Lady, the Shield of the Lady special rule allows such models to be placed at the rear of such units. Alternatively, they can be placed within the unit. In this case, the extra base size will make very little difference to the shape of the unit.

Source: Official Forces of Fantasy FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2

When a unit in Lance formation is engaged in combat, every model on the outside counts as being in base contact. How many enemy models count as being in base contact with the Lance?

The full fighting rank. When a Lance charges, it pierces deep into the enemy formation, causing the enemy lines to close around it. It's very hard to show this on the table though, hence the abstraction.

Note that this can create an area of 'dead ground' between a Lance and a unit it is engaged in combat with. If any enemy units are caught within this, refer to the rules covering 'accidental contact' on page 131 of the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook.

Source: Official Forces of Fantasy FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2

Is a charging Lance blunted if an enemy unit counter charges it?

No. As both units are charging, the clause that a Lance is blunted if it is charged and does not counter charge is negated.

Source: Official Forces of Fantasy FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2

Orc & Goblin Tribes

If a unit of Night Goblins that is engaged in combat still contains any unreleased Fanatics, can they be released whilst the unit is engaged?

Provided they can be placed within 3" of their concealing unit and not touching the bases of any other models, yes.

Source: Official Ravening Hordes FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2

If a Fanatic moves into contact with a unit that's engaged in combat, does it hit the unit(s) that unit is engaged with as well?

When a Fanatic moves into contact with another unit, it continues in a straight line until it can be placed back on the battlefield. Any units that line passes through are hit. Units the line does not pass through are not hit.

Source: Official Ravening Hordes FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2

How are Victory Points scored for a Night Goblin unit that includes one or more Fanatics once its Fanatic(s) have been released?

Fanatics are an upgrade for the unit; their cost is included when working out VP for the unit itself. In other words, the death of an individual Fanatic is not worth any VP, but destroying the unit it was concealed within will earn you the VP for the Fanatic as part of the unit's points cost.

Source: Official Ravening Hordes FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2

What happens to a Fanatic that moves into or through the front arc of a unit of Bretonnian Peasant Bowmen equipped with 'defensive stakes'?

Nothing good. Defensive stakes function very much like linear terrain, therefore a Fanatic that moves into contact with a row of defensive stakes, from any direction, comes to a very sudden stop and is removed from play as a casualty.

Source: Official Ravening Hordes FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2

If I upgrade a unit of Boar Boyz to have the Big 'Uns special rule, do their War Boars benefit as well?


Note that the Strength characteristic of Big 'Uns is modified whilst they are engaged in combat, and that Impact Hits are made using the model's unmodified Strength characteristic.

Source: Official Ravening Hordes FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2

When shooting a Doom Diver catapult, the template can be moved D3" after scattering. Can I use this to move the template so that it hits an enemy character that is within 3" of a unit, a character that could not usually be targeted by shooting?

Yes. The template must be moved the full distance rolled on the D3 but, if that allows you to position it to hit an enemy character, you may do so. Sneaky Goblin Doom Divers steer their flight in an attempt to hit the best possible target, so this is completely in character.

Source: Official Ravening Hordes FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2

All Goblins Fear Elves. If a unit of Elves causes Fear, does this lead them to cause Terror in Goblins?


Source: Official Ravening Hordes FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2

Can the Glowy Green Amulet be used by a character that isn't a Wizard?

Yes. The Glowy Green Amulet is a talisman, meaning any character that can take magic items can use it. However, if they wish to use it against an enemy spell, they do so instead of a Wizardly dispel attempt being made. This means that you cannot also attempt a Wizardly dispel against a spell you use the Glowy Green Amulet against, even if the Glowy Green Amulet explodes.

Source: Official Ravening Hordes FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2

Arcane Journal: Orc & Goblin Tribes

If I take a Black Orc Warboss as the General of a Nomadic Waaagh!, can I take a unit of Boar Boys as a Core choice?

No. A unit of Boar Boys can only be taken as a Core choice if your General is an Orc Warboss.

Source: Official Ravening Hordes FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2

In a Nomadic Waaagh!, I can take one Black Orc Boss per Black Orc Chariot. If I take a Black Orc Boss mounted on a chariot, does that count?

No. You can take one Black Orc Boss per Black Orc Chariot taken as a Core or Rare choice. It does not matter what the Boss is mounted on.

Source: Official Ravening Hordes FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2

Can a Troll Hag be the General of an Orc and Goblin Tribes army made using the Grand Army composition list?

No. A Troll Hag is a Rare choice in the Orc and Goblin Tribes Grand Army composition list. She can, however, be the General of a Troll Horde.

Source: Official Ravening Hordes FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2

Can the size of a range 'self' spell's aura of effect be increased by the Idol of Gork?

No. The aura of effect of a range 'self' spell is not its range.

Source: Official Ravening Hordes FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2


Can a Warp Lightning Cannon fire grapeshot?

No. Grapeshot can only be fired by a cannon or weapon that fires using the 'Cannon Fire' special rule.

Source: Online Rules Index Interpretation & Official Forces of Fantasy FAQ & Errata - Version 1.1

Tomb Kings of Khemri

Can a Necrosphinx make more than one attack each turn with its Decapitating strike?

No. The decapitating strike profile must be used as noted – to make one additional attack.

Source: Official Ravening Hordes FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2

Are the effects of the Casket of Souls' Bound spell 'Light of Protection' cumulative?


Source: Official Ravening Hordes FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2

Can a Casket of Souls move at the end of the Shooting phase of its turn using the Reserve Move special rule (should it have it)?

Yes. Whilst a Casket of Souls is an Immovable Object, this special rule clearly states that it prevents the model moving during the Remaining Moves sub-phase. It does not prevent movement at other times or during other phases.

Source: Official Ravening Hordes FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2

Arcane Journal: Tomb Kings of Khemri

The crew of Tomb Guard chariots are equipped with shields. Does this improve the Armour Value of the model from 4+ to 3+?

No. A chariot's given Armour Value takes into account such equipment.

Source: Official Ravening Hordes FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2

Warriors of Chaos

If a character with the Mark of Nurgle (for example) is mounted on a chariot with the Mark of Chaos Undivided, does the chariot benefit from the character's Mark, or do I have to pay the points to give the chariot the Mark of Nurgle for it to gain the same benefits?

If you want a chariot mount to have the same benefits from a Mark of Chaos that its rider has, you have to pay the points to give the chariot the Mark of Chaos.

Source: Official Ravening Hordes FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2

Arcane Journal: Warriors of Chaos

What happens if I wish to accept a challenge to fight a Warrior's Duel but do not have any single Wound champions in my army?

Roll off to determine who takes the first turn as normal.

Source: Official Ravening Hordes FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2

When fighting a Warrior's Duel challenge between two unit champions, are such things as magic standards carried by their units counted?

No. The duel is fought between the two champions alone, without any support from their units.

Source: Official Ravening Hordes FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2

Wood Elf Realms

The Hawk-eyed Archer rule allows a Waystalker to target any enemy character it can draw a line of sight to and to target specific models within an enemy unit. Does this apply to magic items that allow them to cast a Magic Missile?

No, the rule applies only to their Asrai longbow. Hawk-eyed they may be, but that does not mean they can snipe at enemy characters with powerful spells bound into magic items.

Source: Official Forces of Fantasy FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2

Can a Wood Elf Realms army that includes an allied contingent place an additional wood using the Woodland Ambush rule?

Yes. Note however that an allied contingent of Wood Elves taken as part of another army cannot.

Source: Official Forces of Fantasy FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2

The Bow of Loren allows a Wood Elf character to make a number of shots equal to their Attacks characteristic. How does this interact with Enchanted Arrows?

When firing an Enchanted Arrow it is assumed the model is firing only once, as is the norm. Therefore, one of the shots fired from the Bow of Loren can be made using an Enchanted Arrow, the other shots are resolved using ordinary (i.e., not Enchanted) arrows.

Source: Official Forces of Fantasy FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2