Yes. Such limitations are based on the size of the game you are playing rather than the exact points value of your army.
Source: Warhammer: The Old World Online Rules Index
Warhammer Armies - Frequently Asked QuestionsURL Copied!
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If my opponent and I have agreed to play a 2,000 points game but my army is not exactly 2,000 points (it's 1,997 points, for example), can I take two of something limited to 0-1 per 1,000 points by the army composition list I'm using?URL Copied!
Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3
Does an allied contingent have to abide by the restrictions given in the army composition list it is drawn from?URL Copied!
Yes. An allied contingent is a small army within a large army, made using a Grand Army or Army of Infamy composition list. Within a 2,000 points army, for example, an allied contingent of 500 points would have to spend at least 125 points on Core units, could spend no more than 250 points on characters, and would be unable to include any units limited to 0-1 per 1,000 points.
Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3
Do the points I spend on Core units within an allied contingent count towards the minimum percentage of Core units overall?URL Copied!
Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3
Does a spell cast on a Regimental Unit affect its Detachments, or vice versa?URL Copied!
No, spells that affect a unit only affect the unit they are cast on.
Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3