No. As stated on page 184, you cannot remove a model from a unit of Skirmishers if doing so would cause the unit to lose coherency. However, if an attack targets a specific model (such as a champion or a character), that model must be removed if the attack reduces it to zero Wounds. In such cases, simply replace the removed model with another model belonging to the same unit, one that could be removed as a casualty, in order to maintain unit coherency.
Source: Warhammer: The Old World Online Rules Index
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Some attacks allow a specific model within a unit to be targeted. Can such an attack be used to break the coherency of a unit of Skirmishers and cause other models to be removed as well?URL Copied!
Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3
How do I determine the centre of a unit of Skirmishers?URL Copied!
The centre is the point that is equally distant from the models at the extremities of the group. However, when considering blast templates, the purpose of placing a blast template over the centre of a unit is to ensure a significant number of models are underneath it. In the case of a unit of Skirmishers, this is not always possible. Therefore, you may place the central hole of a blast template over the model closest to the centre of a unit of Skirmishers.
Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3
Sometimes, when a unit of Skirmishers charges or is charged, some of the models cannot move far enough to form up with the rest of the unit. What happens to those models?URL Copied!
The unit loses coherency, as described on page 184. This means models belonging to the unit must be removed from play as casualties until the unit becomes coherent.
Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3
How does a unit of Skirmishers form up when charged by two or more different enemy units from different directions?URL Copied!
The Skirmishers should form up against the first charging unit to move into contact with them. The remaining enemy units then charge the formed Skirmishers. If any units are unable to complete their charge moves, their charges are failed.
Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3
Do Skirmishers have flank or rear arcs whilst engaged in combat?URL Copied!
Source: Official Warhammer: The Old World FAQ & Errata - Version 1.3