Provided they can be placed within 3" of their concealing unit and not touching the bases of any other models, yes.
Source: Warhammer: The Old World Online Rules Index
Orc & Goblin Tribes - Frequently Asked QuestionsURL Copied!
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If a unit of Night Goblins that is engaged in combat still contains any unreleased Fanatics, can they be released whilst the unit is engaged?URL Copied!
Source: Official Ravening Hordes FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2
If a Fanatic moves into contact with a unit that's engaged in combat, does it hit the unit(s) that unit is engaged with as well?URL Copied!
When a Fanatic moves into contact with another unit, it continues in a straight line until it can be placed back on the battlefield. Any units that line passes through are hit. Units the line does not pass through are not hit.
Source: Official Ravening Hordes FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2
How are Victory Points scored for a Night Goblin unit that includes one or more Fanatics once its Fanatic(s) have been released?URL Copied!
Fanatics are an upgrade for the unit; their cost is included when working out VP for the unit itself. In other words, the death of an individual Fanatic is not worth any VP, but destroying the unit it was concealed within will earn you the VP for the Fanatic as part of the unit's points cost.
Source: Official Ravening Hordes FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2
What happens to a Fanatic that moves into or through the front arc of a unit of Bretonnian Peasant Bowmen equipped with 'defensive stakes'?URL Copied!
Nothing good. Defensive stakes function very much like linear terrain, therefore a Fanatic that moves into contact with a row of defensive stakes, from any direction, comes to a very sudden stop and is removed from play as a casualty.
Source: Official Ravening Hordes FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2
If I upgrade a unit of Boar Boyz to have the Big 'Uns special rule, do their War Boars benefit as well?URL Copied!
Note that the Strength characteristic of Big 'Uns is modified whilst they are engaged in combat, and that Impact Hits are made using the model's unmodified Strength characteristic.
Source: Official Ravening Hordes FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2
When shooting a Doom Diver catapult, the template can be moved D3" after scattering. Can I use this to move the template so that it hits an enemy character that is within 3" of a unit, a character that could not usually be targeted by shooting?URL Copied!
Yes. The template must be moved the full distance rolled on the D3 but, if that allows you to position it to hit an enemy character, you may do so. Sneaky Goblin Doom Divers steer their flight in an attempt to hit the best possible target, so this is completely in character.
Source: Official Ravening Hordes FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2
All Goblins Fear Elves. If a unit of Elves causes Fear, does this lead them to cause Terror in Goblins?URL Copied!
Source: Official Ravening Hordes FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2
Can the Glowy Green Amulet be used by a character that isn't a Wizard?URL Copied!
Yes. The Glowy Green Amulet is a talisman, meaning any character that can take magic items can use it. However, if they wish to use it against an enemy spell, they do so instead of a Wizardly dispel attempt being made. This means that you cannot also attempt a Wizardly dispel against a spell you use the Glowy Green Amulet against, even if the Glowy Green Amulet explodes.
Source: Official Ravening Hordes FAQ & Errata - Version 1.2