While lesser races study magic in its corrupted, broken form, High Elf Mages harness its power as pure mystical energy. Within the White Tower, mages learn to smooth the tumultuous eddies of the Winds of Magic, bringing all eight together to create the silvery hue of pure magic.
A Wizard with the 'Lore of Saphery' special rule may discard one of their randomly generated spells as normal. When they do so, they may select instead either the signature spell of their chosen Lore of Magic, or one of the spells listed below.
With a simple gesture, white light bursts forth from the Mage's outstretched hand, banishing the life force of the foe.
Type | |
Casting Value | 8+ |
Range | Combat |
A single enemy model the caster is engaged in combat with suffers a single Strength 4 hit with no armour save permitted (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).
The High Elf Mage draws upon the Winds of Magic to conjure glorious images of Aenarion in the minds of their allies. So inspired, already brave warriors are filled with the unbreakable courage of the first Phoenix King.
Type | |
Casting Value | 10+ |
Range | 15" |
Remains in Play. Whilst this spell is in play, the target friendly unit gains the Unbreakable special rule. If this spell is cast, the effects of any other Enchantment previously cast on the target unit immediately expire. This spell may target a friendly unit engaged in combat.
Glowing swords grow dim, blood-warm chalices cool and enchanted scrolls crumble into dust, their magical energies drained as the Mage turns the fury of Vaul's forge upon the magical trappings of the enemy.
Type | |
Casting Value | 11+ |
Range | 12" |
This spell can only target enemy characters. However, it may target any enemy character that is within range and that the caster can draw a line of sight to, regardless of the usual rules for targeting characters, and may even target an enemy character that has joined a unit or that is engaged in combat.
The casting player chooses a single magic item carried by the target. This magic item is immediately 'unmade', rendering it completely useless. The chosen magic item cannot be used for the remainder of the game.