In the Warhammer world, disputes are settled upon the bloody field of battle. In ideal circumstances, armies will form up across a wide open plain, awaiting the dawn light for the commencement of hostilities. As dusk draws in, one side will often stand victorious, though it is not uncommon for a close fought battle to result in both sides retreating into the gloom to count their losses.
This scenario represents a classic battle fought between two rival armies meeting at an ideal location for a day of fighting.
Place terrain as described.
Once the battlefield has been set up, the winner of a roll-off chooses which player will deploy the first unit. The winner of this roll-off must also choose their deployment zone (A or B), as shown on the map opposite. Players deploy their armies using the alternating units method.

First Turn
Once deployment is complete, the winner of a roll-off takes the first turn. The player that finished deploying their army first adds +1 to their roll.
Game Length
Before the game begins, players can choose to play a 'fixed' length game or a 'random' length game:
Fixed Game Length: The battle will last for six rounds, until one side concedes, or until the time limit agreed by the players is reached.
Random Game Length: The battle will last a random number of rounds or until one side concedes. Starting at the end of the fifth round, roll a D6 at the end of each round. Add the round number to the dice roll. If the total is 10 or more, the battle ends immediately. If the total is less than 10 then the battle continues for at least one more round.
Scenario Special Rules
This scenario has no special rules.
Once the battle has ended, use Victory Points to determine which player is the winner.
Historical Recreation
The Battle of L'Anguille Plain was fought between a vast horde of Orcs and the glittering splendour of the knights of Bretonnia. Both sides were led by mighty warlords – the Orcs by Warboss Durgath Spine Cracker and the Bretonnians by King Louen Orc-Slayer. To reflect this, each army should be led by an appropriate character acting as the General. Warboss Durgath may fight on foot or may be mounted on a boar. King Louen must be mounted on a warhorse.
In addition, and to capture a measure of the size and splendour of the armies, a historical recreation should be played with armies of no less than 3,000 points.
The bulk of Waaagh! Durgath famously broke formation early, displaying a proper Orcish desire to engage the enemy. However, this ill-disciplined charge into heavy bow fire caused the Orcs to lose much of their advantage and, eventually, the battle. To represent this, the Orc player will automatically take the first turn. In addition, any unit with the Impetuous special rule must declare a charge on a roll of 1-4 (rather than the usual 1-3).