Dedicated to the eradication of Chaos and its corrupt followers, these gallant warriors are amongst the most powerful of the Knightly Orders.
Source: Warhammer: The Old World Online Rules Index
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Ability+10 points per Character / +2 points per model
Models belonging to the Order of the Knights Panther:
Must be armed with lances (note that models able to purchase magic weapons may do so as normal).
May re-roll a single dice that rolls a natural 1 when making a Charge roll, before discarding any dice that are required to be discarded.
Gain the Hatred (Warriors of Chaos, Beastmen Brayherds & Daemonic models) special rule.
In addition, a Grand Master, Chapter Master or unit of Inner Circle Knights belonging to the Order of the Knights Panther:
Gains the Magic Resistance (-1) special rule.