Source: Warhammer: The Old World Online Rules Index

Knightly Orders of the Empire
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It is common practice amongst the Empires young nobles, especially those younger sons and daughters not destined to inherit their family's estates, to join a Knightly Order. Some of these orders, such as the sinister Black Guard of Morr or the fanatical Knights of the Fiery Heart, are affiliated with one of the Empire's many cults and restrict their membership accordingly. Others are entirely secular organisations that accept any supplicant of noble birth.

To represent this, you may chose one of the following Knightly Orders to include in your Empire of Man army: 0-1 Grand Master or Chapter Master, and 0-1 unit of Empire Knights, Inner Circle Knights or Demigryph Knights in your army may be upgraded to belong to your chosen Knightly Order.

Note that, if your army is made using the Knightly Order Army of Infamy composition list, this 0-1 limit does not. apply, Instead, every unit that can belong to a Knightly Order must belong to the same Knightly Order as the army's General.

Note also that any special rules granted by these upgrades do not apply to the models' mounts.

Admittance to the Order

A Grand Master or Chapter Master and a unit of Empire Knights, Inner Circle Knights or Demigryph Knights may belong to one of the following Knightly Orders:

Grand Master or Chapter Master

Unit of Empire Knights, Inner Circle Knights or Demigryph Knights

Order of the Knights Panther

+10 points

+2 points per model

Order of the White Wolf

+15 points

+3 points per model

Order of the Blazing Sun

+10 points

+2 points per model

Order of the Knights of Morr

+15 points

+3 points per model

Order of the Fiery Hearts

+15 points

+3 points per model

Order of the Knights Panther(Ability)+10 points per Character / +2 points per model

Dedicated to the eradication of Chaos and its corrupt followers, these gallant warriors are amongst the most powerful of the Knightly Orders.

Models belonging to the Order of the Knights Panther:

  • Must be armed with lances (note that models able to purchase magic weapons may do so as normal).

  • May re-roll a single dice that rolls a natural 1 when making a Charge roll, before discarding any dice that are required to be discarded.

  • Gain the Hatred (Warriors of Chaos, Beastmen Brayherds & Daemonic models) special rule.

In addition, a Grand Master, Chapter Master or unit of Inner Circle Knights belonging to the Order of the Knights Panther:

Order of the White Wolf(Ability)+15 points per Character / +3 points per model

The Knights of the White Wolf swing their infamous wolf hammers with primal savagery, shattering shields and skulls with each blow.

Order of the Blazing Sun(Ability)+10 points per Character / +2 points per model

The Knights of the Blazing Sun are vigilant students of war who strive for perfection on the battlefield.

Models belonging to the Order of the Blazing Sun:

In addition, a Grand Master, Chapter Master or unit of Inner Circle Knights belonging to the Order of the Blazing Sun:

  • May claim an additional bonus of +1 combat result point when calculating its combat result during a turn in which it charges. This bonus is not cumulative.

Order of the Knights of Morr(Ability)+15 points per Character / +3 points per model

Clad in jet-black armour, these dour warriors strive to protect the living from the ever-present threat of the undead.

Order of the Fiery Heart(Ability)+15 points per Character / +3 points per model

These fanatical knights work closely with the Cult of Sigmar, earning a reputation as the shield of the Sigmarite faithful.

Models belonging to the Order of the Fiery Heart:

In addition, a Grand Master, Chapter Master or unit of Inner Circle Knights belonging to the Order of the Fiery Heart:

  • May re-roll any rolls To Hit or To Wound of a natural 1 made during the Combat phase.

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