Source: Warhammer: The Old World Online Rules Index

Breath of Change
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Galrauch opens his maws and unleashes a wave of chaotic energy so potent that it warps and twists even the most resolute warriors into otherworldly abominations.

Once per game, instead of using Dark Fire of Chaos or Fumes of Contagion, Galrauch may instead use the Breath of Change. Place a flame template with its broad end over the intended target and its narrow end touching Galrauch's base edge anywhere along its front arc. The template must lie entirely within Galrauch's vision arc. Any model whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit. Any model hit (friend or foe) must immediately make a Toughness test:

  • If the test is failed, the model is overwhelmed by the warping power of Chaos and is immediately removed from play as a casualty.

  • If the test is passed, they are able to fend off the onslaught of chaotic energy. The attack has no effect.

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