A game of Warhammer: the Old World is packed with fantastic creatures and skilled warriors with abilities so incredible and varied that the basic rules cannot possibly cover them all. For such circumstances we have special rules – uncommon rules to govern uncommon circumstances.
Source: Warhammer: The Old World Online Rules Index
Special RulesURL Copied!
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RulebookURL Copied!
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- What are Special Rules?
- Universal Special Rules
- Army Special Rules
- Unique Special Rules
- What Special Rules Does it Have?
- Rule Priority
- Cumulative Special Rules
- Ambushers
- Armour Bane (X)
- Armoured Hide (X)
- Breath Weapon
- Chariot Runners
- Close Order
- Counter Charge
- Cumbersome
- Detachment
- Dragged Along
- Drilled
- Ethereal
- Evasive
- Extra Attacks (+X)
- Fast Cavalry
- Fear
- Feigned Flight
- Fight in Extra Rank
- Fire & Flee
- First Charge
- Flaming Attacks
- Flammable
- Fly (X)
- Frenzy
- Furious Charge
- Hatred (X)
- Horde
- Howdah
- Ignores Cover
- Immune to Psychology
- Impact Hits (X)
- Impetuous
- Killing Blow
- Large Target
- Levies
- Loner
- Magical Attacks
- Magic Resistance (-X)
- Mercenaries
- Monster Handlers
- Monster Slayer
- Motley Crew
- Move & Shoot
- Move or Shoot
- Move Through Cover
- Multiple Shots (X)
- Multiple Wounds (X)
- Open Order
- Poisoned Attacks
- Ponderous
- Quick Shot
- Rallying Cry
- Random Attacks
- Random Movement
- Regeneration (X+)
- Regimental Unit
- Requires Two Hands
- Reserve Move
- Scouts
- Shieldwall
- Skirmishers
- Stomp Attacks (X)
- Strike First
- Strike Last
- Stubborn
- Stupidity
- Swiftstride
- Terror
- Timmm-berrr!
- Unbreakable
- Unstable
- Vanguard
- Veteran
- Volley Fire
- Warband
- Warp-spawned
Beastmen BrayherdsURL Copied!
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- Belly Flop
- Bestial Charge
- Blood Greed
- Blood Rage
- Brayhorn
- Bull-gors
- Drunken
- 'Eadbutt (Giant)
- Ensorcelled Weapons
- Foe Render
- Gaze of the Gods
- Ghostsight
- Giant Attacks
- Jump Up & Down
- Maddening Aura
- Mighty Swing (Giant)
- Pick Up And...
- Primal Fury
- The Quickening Storm
- Razor Tusks
- Slaughterer's Call
- Soul-eater
- Spurting Bile Blood
- Stony Stare
- Storm Call
- Swallow Whole
- Thump with Club
Chaos DwarfsURL Copied!
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Daemons of ChaosURL Copied!
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- Attention Seeker
- Brazen Wheels
- Chaos Armour (Daemons of Chaos)
- Cleaving Blow
- Daemon of Khorne
- Daemon of Nurgle
- Daemon of Slaanesh
- Daemon of Tzeentch
- Daemonic
- Daemonic Alignment
- Daemonic Charge
- Daemonic Instability
- Daemonic Locus
- Gorefeast
- Infernal Favour (X)
- Plague Proboscis
- Scintillating Sorcery
- Slashing Attack
- Slime Trail
- Soporific Musk
- Totem of Endless Bloodletting
Dark ElvesURL Copied!
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- Abyssal Howl
- Black Lotus
- Blessings of Khaine
- Cleaving Blow
- Cry of War
- Cursed Coven
- Dance of Death
- Dark Runes
- Dark Venom
- Elven Reflexes
- Eternal Hatred
- Forbidden Poisons
- Gifts of Khaine
- Goad Beast
- Hekarti's Blessing
- Hidden (Dark Elves)
- Manbane
- Martial Prowess
- Murderous
- Rune of Khaine
- Sea Dragon Cloak
- Stony Stare
- Wilful Beast
- Witchbrew
Dwarfen Mountain HoldsURL Copied!
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- Ancestral Fury
- Ancestral Grudge
- Ancestral Shield
- Artillery Master
- Bombing Run
- Borne Aloft
- Bugman's Cart
- Deathblow
- "Dig In!"
- Dive Bomb
- Doomseeker
- Dwarf Crafted
- Entrenchment
- Expeditionary Marksmen
- Extended Formation
- "Fight Me!"
- First to the Fray
- Forgefire
- Function Over Form
- Gromril Armour
- Gromril Weapons
- Grudgelore
- The Grudgestone
- Hit & Run
- Hostile Terrain
- Immovable Object
- King of the Slayer Hold
- Miner's Cart
- Oathstone
- Prepared Positions
- Range Finding Optics
- Resolute
- Riches & Heirlooms
- Royal Guard
- Rune Lore
- Runes of Protection
- Runes of Warding
- Slayer
- Slayer of Daemons
- Slayer of Dragons
- "Stand Back Chief"
- Stoic Defenders
- Strike the Runes
- Striking a Grudge
- Subterranean Ambush
- Venerable
- Whirling Doom
- Whirlwind of Death
Empire of ManURL Copied!
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- Assorted Weapons
- Big Guns Know No Fear
- Blessings of Ulric
- Clouds of Soot & Smoke
- Crushing Weight
- Entrenched Position
- Fanatical Zeal
- Feel No Pain
- Grand Master of the Knights Panther
- Grinding Wheels
- Guardians of the Temple
- Gun Limbers
- Handgun Drill
- Helblaster
- Helstorm
- "Hold the Line!"
- Holy Fervour
- Inner Circle
- The Knightly Orders
- Knights of Morr
- Knights of the Blazing Sun
- Knights of the Fiery Heart
- Knights of the White Wolf
- Knights Panther
- Master of Ballistics
- Master of Battle
- Mercenary Commander
- Nuln State Troops
- Ogre Charge
- Prayer of the Damned
- Prayers of Sigmar
- Prayers of Ulric
- Skilled Duellist
- Stable Firing Platform
- Steam Power
- Strategic Mastery
- Suffer Not...
- Symbol of Might
- Temperamental
- Two Heads
- Veteran Outriders
- Witch Bane
- Zealot
High Elf RealmsURL Copied!
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- Abyssal Cloak
- Accomplished Archers
- Armies of the Sea Lord
- Arrows of Isha
- Beguiling Aura
- Blessings of Asuryan
- Blizzard Aura
- Champions of Chrace
- Chracian Pride
- Chracian Warriors
- Cleaving Blow
- Commanding Voice
- Deflect Shots
- Dragon Armour
- Elven Reflexes
- Enfeebling Cold
- From The Ashes
- From the Mists
- From the Storm Clouds
- Hidden Trails
- Horn of Isha
- Ithilmar Armour/Ithilmar Barding
- Ithilmar Weapons
- King's Guard
- Lileath's Blessing
- Lion Cloak
- Martial Prowess
- Mighty Constitution
- Naval Discipline
- Old World Rangers
- Precision Strikes
- Pride of the Fleet
- Sons of Caledor
- Valour of Ages
- Wake of Fire
- Warriors of Chrace
- Warriors of Nagarythe
- Warriors of the White Tower
- Warriors of the Wilderness
- Witness to Destiny
Kingdom of BretonniaURL Copied!
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- Arcane Backlash
- Aura of the Fay
- Aura of the Lady
- Banished Lords
- Beguiling Aura
- Blessed Knight
- Blessings of the Lady
- Blunting the Lance
- Casualty Removal
- Characters Joining a Lance
- The Crusader's Vow
- Crusader's Zeal
- Crusading Knights
- Dispersed Formation
- Earn Your Spurs
- The Exile's Vow
- Finest Warhorses
- Forming the Lance
- Grail Monk
- Grail Reliquae
- The Grail Vow
- Guardian of the Sacred Sites
- Immovable Object
- The Knight's Vow
- Lance Formation
- Lance Formations & Skirmishers
- The Lance in Combat
- Living Saints
- Manoeuvring a Lance
- Peasantry
- Peasant's Duty
- The Questing Vow
- Reclaimed Glory
- Retinue of the Saints
- Shield of the Lady
- Untutored Arcanist
- The Wyrm Slayer
LizardmenURL Copied!
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- Aquatic
- Arcane Configuration
- Arcane Shield
- Arcane Vassal
- Ark of Sotek
- Beam of Chotec
- Beast Handlers
- Blood Frenzy
- Burning Alignment
- Cleaving Blow
- Cold Blooded
- Drop Rocks
- Engine of the Gods
- Guardians
- Impervious Defence
- Obsidian Blades
- Primeval Roar
- Skirmish Screen
- Slithering Serpents
- Solar Engine
- Solar Radiance
- Spawn of Sotek
- Toad Rage
Ogre KingdomsURL Copied!
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- Bellowers & Musicians
- Belly Flop
- Blessings of the Volcano God
- Bull Charge
- Butcher's Cauldron
- 'Eadbutt (Giant)
- Giant Attacks
- Jump Up & Down
- Largely Insignificant
- Look-out Gnoblar
- Mighty Swing (Giant)
- Mournfang Charge
- Numbing Chill
- Ogre Charge
- Pick Up And...
- Ravenous Hunger
- Running with the Pack
- Stone Skeleton
- Thump with Club
- Thunderous Charge
- Traps & Snares
Orc & Goblin TribesURL Copied!
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- All Sneaky Like
- Belly Flop
- Big Stabbas
- Big 'Uns
- Bonegrinder Giant Attacks
- Bully
- Choppas
- Crush Underfoot
- Cunning Hunters
- Da Boyz
- Da Troll Calla
- 'Eadbutt (Bonegrinder Giant)
- 'Eadbutt (Giant)
- Enhanced Regeneration
- Fear of Elves
- Giant Attacks
- Grind its Bones
- Hit 'em Fast and Hit 'em 'Ard!
- Hunting Packs
- Ignore Goblin Panic
- Ignore Panic
- Indiscriminate Hunger
- 'It & Run
- Jump Up & Down
- Ker-splat
- Mighty Swing (Bonegrinder Giant)
- Mighty Swing (Giant)
- Mob Rule
- Motherly Love
- Netters
- Ogre Charge
- Oi! Dis Way!
- On Da Move
- Pick Up And...
- Protect Da Boss
- Quell Impetuosity
- Release the Fanatics!
- Skulking Menace
- Slimy Shanks
- Solitary Fighters
- Spiked Ball & Chains
- Squigs Go Wild
- Syphoned Strength
- Thump with Club
- Troll Tongue
- Tusker Charge
- Vomit
- Waaagh!
- Wallop
- Warpaint
SkavenURL Copied!
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- Abominable Attacks
- Avalanche of Flesh
- Blessings of the Horned Rat
- Cloud of Flies
- Crushing Bulk
- Deploying Weapon Teams
- Eshin Infiltration
- Feed
- Great Censer
- Hidden (Skaven)
- Leader of the Pack
- Lightning Strike
- Pavise
- Poisoned Wind
- Safe From Harm
- Scurry Away
- Scurrying Masses
- Targeting Weapon Teams
- Tolling The Bell
- Too Horrible To Die
- Verminous Valour
- Warpstone Weapons
- Weapon Team Leadership
- Zzzzap!
Tomb Kings of KhemriURL Copied!
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- Arise!
- Arrows of Asaph
- Authority of the Hierophant
- Banner of the King
- Cleaving Blow
- Cloud of Dust
- Commander of Legions
- Covenant of Power
- Curse of the Necropolis
- Dry as Dust
- Eternal Taskmaster
- From Beneath the Sands
- "Grind Them Down!"
- Harmonious Incantations
- Herald of Despair
- The Hierophant
- Immortal Overseer
- Immovable Object
- Indomitable (X)
- Khopesh
- The Language of the Priests
- Lay In Wait
- Masterful Outriders
- My Will Be Done
- Nehekharan Phalanx
- Nehekharan Undead
- Resurrecting the Fallen
- Scarab Prince
- Screaming Skulls
- Sepulchral Animus
- Settra Does Not Kneel!
- Settra the Great
- Settra's Champion
- Skulls of the Foe
- Soul Reaper
- Steadfast Discipline
- Stone Shaper
- Sworn Protector
- The Terrors Below
- Unbound Spirits
- Unstoppable Assault
- Usirian's Reaper
- Vortex of Souls
Vampire CountsURL Copied!
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- Accursed Reliquary
- Accursed Weapons
- Balefire Brazier
- Banner of the Count
- Bestial Fury
- Blasphemous Tome
- Bound Spirits
- Carrion Feeders
- Cleaving Blow
- Dark Vitality
- The Death of a General
- Ghoulish Glamour
- The Hunger
- Implacable Defence
- Indomitable (X)
- Infested
- Invocation of Nehek
- Martial Pride
- Necromantic Undead
- The Newly Dead
- Resurrecting the Fallen
- Scrying Pool
- Slavering Charge
- Spectral Coach
- Spectral Reapers
- Wailing Dirge
- Warped Tintinnabulation
- Wight Banner
Warriors of ChaosURL Copied!
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- Breath of Change
- Caged Fury
- Chainmaker
- Chaos Armour (Warriors of Chaos)
- Commander & Captain
- Cursed by the Gods
- Ensorcelled Weapons
- Explosive Demise
- Favour of the Gods
- Fire & Chaos
- Forsaken by Khorne
- Forsaken by Nurgle
- Forsaken by Slaanesh
- Forsaken by Tzeentch
- Gaze of the Gods
- Gigantic Spawn of Khorne
- Gigantic Spawn of Nurgle
- Gigantic Spawn of Slaanesh
- Gigantic Spawn of Tzeentch
- Handler
- Hellcannon Misfire Table
- Mark of Chaos Undivided
- Mark of Khorne
- Mark of Nurgle
- Mark of Slaanesh
- Mark of Tzeentch
- Marks of Chaos
- Mounted Host
- Ogre Charge
- Peerless Raider
- Rampant Mutation
- Relentless Warriors
- Sea-Born Raiders
- The Shadow Grows
- Spawn of Khorne
- Spawn of Nurgle
- Spawn of Slaanesh
- Spawn of Tzeentch
- Spirit of Galrauch
- Steeds of Darkness
- Two-headed Dragon
- Warped Form
- Warpfire Aura
- Warriors' Duel
- Wilful Beast
Wood Elf RealmsURL Copied!
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