Sometimes a cunning general will divide their strength, sending a portion of their army to range wide in order to outflank the enemy. Such tactics are sound and, if all goes well, are likely to deliver a swift victory. But there are times when an equally cunning enemy has the same plan.
This scenario represents a battle in which both armies have assigned a number of units the task of outflanking the enemy. As these flanking forces choose their angle of attack in secret, there is as equal a chance that they will deploy facing one another as there is that they will find the unprotected flank of the main enemy force.
Place terrain as described.
Once the battlefield has been set up, the winner of a roll-off chooses which player will deploy the first unit. The winner of this roll-off must also choose their deployment zone (A or B), as shown on the map opposite. Prior to deployment, both players secretly divide their armies into two forces – the main force and the flanking force:
A flanking force must contain at least one non-character unit and can be worth up to 33% of the total points value of the army (for example, in a 2,000 points game, your flanking force may be worth up to 666 points).
A flanking force may include characters, but cannot include the General.
Once flanking forces have been selected, each player secretly makes a note of which flank (left or right) theirs will be deployed upon. Then, starting with the player that won the roll-off, the players deploy their main forces within their central deployment zone, using the alternating units method.
Finally, after both players have finished deploying their main forces, the players reveal where their flanking forces are to be deployed. Starting with the player that won the roll-off, the players deploy their flanking forces within their chosen 18" flank zone, using the alternating units method.
First Turn
Once deployment is complete, the winner of a roll-off takes the first turn.
Game Length
The battle will last for six rounds, until one side concedes, or until the time limit agreed by the players is reached.
Scenario Special Rules
Other than the special deployment rules already given, this scenario has no special rules.
Once the battle has ended, use Victory Points to determine which player is the winner.
Historical Recreation
The battle of Pine Crags took place within a rocky ravine deep in Athel Loren. To represent this, you should endeavour to include as many woods and areas of rocky terrain (be they difficult, dangerous or impassable) as possible when setting up the battlefield. The battle was fought between a rag-tag army of Dwarf treasure hunters and a (possibly larger) force of Wood Elves. The Dwarf army should contain very few elite troops (such as Hammerers, Ironbreakers or Irondrakes) and no war machines or Runesmiths. Due to their important role, it must contain a unit of Dwarf Rangers in reserve.
The Wood Elves caught the Dwarf army largely by surprise as it marched through Athel Loren, cutting down trees. To represent this, the Wood Elf player will automatically take the first turn.