Source: Warhammer: The Old World Online Rules Index

Weapon Profiles
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Just like the models that carry them, all weapons have a profile. This includes the weapon's characteristics and lists any special rules it has:

RangeStrengthArmour PiercingSpecial Rules

Range (R)

All weapons have a Range characteristic, telling you at what distance the weapon can be used:

  • If the weapon's Range is 'Combat', the weapon can only be used in combat, against enemies the wielder is engaged with.

  • If the weapon's Range is a number of inches, the weapon is a missile weapon, used to shoot at the enemy. The number given indicates the weapon's maximum range.

  • If the weapon has two Range characteristics, both shown as a number of inches, the first is its minimum range, the second its maximum. For example, a stone thrower has a Range of 12-60", meaning it can only shoot at things which lie between 12" and 60" away. Anything less than 12" away is too close.

Strength (S)

The weapon's Strength is used when making rolls To Wound against the enemy. For missile weapons, this is shown as a simple numerical value. For combat weapons this may be shown as 'S', indicating that the Strength of the wielder is used, or as 'S' with a modifier (for example, 'S+2'), meaning the Strength of the wielder is used but with a modifier applied.

Armour Piercing (AP)

This shows how good the weapon is at punching through armour. This is always a negative modifier, which is applied to the dice rolled when making an Armour Save roll.

Special Rules

Many weapons confer a universal special rule to attacks made by their wielder.


Some weapons have notes specifying when they can be used (such as during a turn in which the wielder charged), when their modifiers apply (such as only during the first round of combat), or what type of model can wield them (such as 'models whose troop type is 'cavalry' only'). In addition, some weapons have their own unique rules. Such notes and any unique rules are contained here.

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