Source: Warhammer: The Old World Online Rules Index

Runic Tattoos
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Many members of the Slayer Cult pay large sums of gold to have powerful runes tattooed onto their flesh. Such tattoos vary greatly in their intended purpose, but what all have in common is that the Slayers that wear them do so in the hope of meeting a magnificent doom.

To represent this, some characters may purchase runic tattoos. These cannot be duplicated on the same model and no two characters in your army can have the same combination of runic tattoos:

  • Doomseekers: May purchase up to three runic tattoos.

  • Daemon Slayers: May purchase up to two runic tattoos.

  • Dragon Slayers: May purchase a single runic tattoo.

Rune of the Dishonoured(Ability)50 points

This dreadful mark prolongs the shame of the one who bears it.

Daemon Slayers and Dragon Slayers only. Once a model with this runic tattoo is reduced to their last Wound, they gain a 3+ Ward save against any further wounds suffered. However, at the end of the battle, a model with this runic tattoo that has been slain is worth no Victory Points. If it is still alive, the enemy player wins a bonus number of Victory Points equal to 100% of its points cost.

Rune of Endless Battle(Ability)40 points

Those who bear this tattoo struggle to contain their rage once battle begins.

During the Combat phase of any turn in which a model with this runic tattoo charged, every attack it makes that causes an unsaved wound allows it to immediately make one additional attack.

Note that any additional attacks that cause unsaved wounds and any unsaved wounds caused by the Impact Hits (X) special rule do not benefit from this special rule.

Rune of the Reckless(Ability)35 points

Slayers that bear this tattoo fight with a burning and uncontrollable fury.

A model with this runic tattoo gains the Frenzy special rule and, during the Combat phase, has a +1 modifier to their rolls To Hit. However, enemy models that target this model during the Combat phase also have a +1 modifier to their rolls To Hit.

Rune of the Hateful(Ability)30 points

This unpleasant tattoo fills its bearer with hate and bitterness.

Rune of Grit(Ability)25 points

The flesh of those marked with this rune takes on the texture of stone.

A model with this runic tattoo has a +1 modifier to its Toughness characteristic.

Rune of the Dauntless(Ability)15 points

Those marked with this rune seek the deadliest foes to challenge in single combat.

A model with this runic tattoo must always issue and accept challenges (if possible). During a challenge, this model may re-roll any failed rolls To Hit.

Rune of Wrath(Ability)15 points

Those that bear this rune upon their flesh are filled with wrath.

A model with this runic tattoo has a +1 modifier to its Attacks characteristic.

Warrior's Rune(Ability)10 points

Only the most skilled of warriors are permitted to bear this mark upon their flesh.

A model with this runic tattoo has a +1 modifier to its Weapon Skill characteristic.

Rune of Blazing Fury(Ability)5 points

The rage of the ancestors burns brightly within this fiery rune.

A model with this runic tattoo has the Flaming Attacks special rule.

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