The sounds of battle echoed throughout the forest as the soldiers of Nuln met the Beastmen under the shadowed boughs. General von Löwenhacke hefted his great maul and barked orders to those around him to prepare to advance. The clearing ahead thrummed so strongly with unnatural power that even he, a man with no magical talent, could feel its presence. Finding the unholy icon was merely the first step however, and destroying it as an army of Beastmen descended upon his forces would be another feat entirely...
Source: Warhammer: The Old World Online Rules Index
The Battle of Stirhügel HillsURL Copied!
Historical Recreation
The battle amongst the trees on the lowlands of the Stirhügel Hills was fought between the brave army of Nuln under the command of General Hans von Löwenhacke and a ravenous horde of Beastmen. To represent this, the players should write two muster lists (one for the attacker and one for the defender) as follows:
The Attacker
The attacker should write a single 2,500 points muster list using the Beastmen Brayherds Grand Army composition list found in Ravening Hordes.
The Defender
The defender should write a single 2,500 points muster list using the City-state of Nuln Army of Infamy composition list. The General of this army must be General Hans von Löwenhacke.
Alternatively, this scenario may be played with any two armies of the players' choosing.
Place terrain as described. In addition, place a large stone monolith as shown on the map below to represent the Herdstone:
The Herdstone: A special feature measuring up to 6" at its widest point. The Herdstone counts as both an Arcane Monolith and a Monument of Glory.
Once terrain has been placed, the battlefield is divided into six equally sized zones, as shown on the map below.
The attacker places a single, non-character unit so that it is completely within one of the zones. The defender then deploys a single, non-character unit within one of the remaining unoccupied zones. The players continue to alternate in this fashion until each has deployed three non-character units and there is a single unit within each zone.
Following the same sequence, each player may then deploy a single character with one of their deployed units. All remaining units and characters are held in reserve (as follows).

First Turn
In this scenario, the attacker will automatically take the first turn.
Game Length
The battle will last for six rounds or until one side concedes.
Scenario Special Rules
Reinforcements: Reserves are not deployed at the start of the battle. Instead they can enter play during the Compulsory Moves sub-phase of any turn - including the first - of their controlling player's choosing. When they arrive, reserves will enter the battlefield from any point on the battlefield edge that is completely within one of the zones (chosen at random) in which their controlling player deployed a unit at the start of the battle. Roll a D3 to randomly determine which of the three zones reserves arrive within.
Once the battle has ended, use Victory Points to determine which player is the winner, as described in the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook. The player who controls the Herdstone at the end of the battle wins a bonus of 150 Victory Points (in addition to any bonus controlling the special feature may normally give).