Although this scenario is designed to be the third of three linked battles, it can be played alone.
Army Selection
If playing this game as the third of three linked battles, the loser of the second battle uses the same muster list they used in the first, representing that reinforcements have arrived.
The winner of the second battle must use the same army they began that battle with. However, as even greater losses have now been suffered, they must roll a D6 for each unit that suffered casualties or was removed from play during the second battle:
Units that Suffered Casualties: For each unit that lost more than a quarter (25%) of its Unit Strength during the second battle, roll a D6:
On a roll of 1-2, remove:
D3 models (to a minimum of Unit Strength 5) if the unit's Unit Strength is 19 or lower.
D6 models (to a minimum of Unit Strength 10) if the unit's Unit Strength is 20 or higher.
On a roll of 3+, the unit has managed to patch up its wounded and return them to battle. The unit may be fielded at full strength but must reduce its Leadership characteristic by 1.
Destroyed Units: For each unit that was removed from play for any reason (such as being destroyed in combat, being run down by an enemy unit whilst fleeing or fleeing off the battlefield) during the second battle, roll a D6:
On a roll of 1, the surviving members of the unit have scattered to the hills and not yet returned. The unit cannot be fielded in this game.
On a roll of 2+, the surviving members of the unit have regrouped. The unit may be fielded, but the number of models it contains is halved (rounding up to the nearest model).
Place terrain as described. In addition, place a single large hill (ideally more than 12" at its widest point) in the centre of the battlefield. Atop this hill, place either an arcane monolith or a monument of glory special feature.
In this scenario, the army that won the second battle is the defender. The army that lost the second battle is the attacker.
Once the battlefield has been set up, the defender deploys their entire army within the 18" square defender's deployment zone, as shown on the map opposite. Once complete, the attacker deploys their army anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 8" away from any of the defender's models.

First Turn
In this scenario, the defender will automatically take the first turn.
Game Length
The battle will last for six rounds or until the defender either concedes or is wiped out.
Scenario Special Rules
Other than the army selection rules already given, this scenario has no special rules.
Victory in this scenario depends entirely upon how long the defender can last – the longer they can fight, the more likely it is their ritual will be completed:
If the defender lasts until the end of round six, they win a major victory.
If the defender lasts until the end of round five, they win a minor victory.
If the defender concedes or is wiped out before the end of round three or four, the attacker wins a minor victory.
If the defender concedes or is wiped out before the end of round one or two, the attacker wins a major victory.