Source: Warhammer: The Old World Online Rules Index

The Ruins of Hollum
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The sound of rhythmic drums and marching boots washed over the battlements that surrounded Hollum as the Empire forces approached. Frydaal rose to her feet at the base of the monolith, her communion with the Ruinous Powers had reached its end and the great monolith thrummed with dark power. The soldiers of the Empire would meet their doom at the hands of Frydaal the Chainmaker, and witness the power of the Chaos gods...

Historical Recreation

The battle amongst the ruins of Hollum was fought between marauding Chaos worshippers under the command of Frydaal the Chainmaker, and the mercenary army of Westerland. To represent this, the players should write two muster lists (one for the attacker and one for the defender) as follows:

The Attacker

The attacker should write a single 2,500 points muster list using the Empire of Man Grand Army composition list found in Forces of Fantasy.

The Defender

The defender should write a single 2,500 points muster list using the Wolves of the Sea Army of Infamy composition list. At least one unit must have the Ambushers special rule and must be held in reserve. The general of this army must be Frydaal the Chainmaker.

Alternatively, this scenario may be played with any two armies of the players choosing.


Place terrain as described. In addition, place a large stone monolith as shown on the map to represent Frydaal's monument:

Frydaal's Monument: A special feature measuring up to 6" at its widest point. Frydaal's Monument counts as both an arcane monolith and a monument of glory.


The defender deploys their army within the defender's deployment zone, as shown on the map opposite. Once complete, the attacker deploys their entire army within the attacker's deployment zone.


First Turn

In this scenario, the attacker will automatically take the first turn.

Game Length

The battle will last for six rounds or until one side concedes.

Scenario Special Rules

Judgement of the Gods: Characters in the defender's army may re-roll the D6 when rolling on the Gaze of the Gods table.

Reinforcements: Any units in the attacker's army with the Ambushers special rule must enter the battlefield via the southern table edge upon their arrival. Any Ambushers that cannot be placed on the battlefield during the turn they arrive may be left in reserve and can be brought on as described above during the following turn.


Once the battle has ended, use Victory Points to determine which player is the winner, as described in the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook. In addition, at the end of the game:

  • The defending player wins a bonus 50 Victory Points for each character in the attacker's army that was slain in a challenge.

  • The attacking player wins a bonus 50 Victory Points for each character in their army that is alive and not fleeing.