Source: Warhammer: The Old World Online Rules Index
Armies SitemapURL Copied!
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Army Index
- Beastmen Brayherds
- Chaos Dwarfs
- Daemons of Chaos
- Dark Elves
- Dwarfen Mountain Holds
- Empire of Man
- High Elf Realms
- Kingdom of Bretonnia
- Lizardmen
- Ogre Kingdoms
- Orc & Goblin Tribes
- Regiments of Renown
- Skaven
- Tomb Kings of Khemri
- Vampire Counts
- Warriors of Chaos
- Wood Elf Realms
Unit Index
- Abyssal Terror
- Ancient Stegadon
- Anvil of Doom
- Arachnarok Spider
- Arch Necrotect
- Archmage
- Aspiring Champion
- Badlands Ogre Bulls
- Bale Taurus
- Barded Elven Steed
- Barded Pegasus
- Barded Warhorse
- Baron
- Bastiladon
- Bat Swarms
- Battle Pilgrims
- Beastlord
- Beasts of Nurgle
- Bestigor Herd
- Black Ark Corsairs
- Black Coach
- Black Dragon
- Black Guard of Naggarond
- Black Knights
- Black Orc Bigboss
- Black Orc Boar Chariot
- Black Orc Mob
- Black Orc Warboss
- Blood Knights
- Blood Throne of Khorne
- Bloodcrushers of Khorne
- Bloodletters of Khorne
- Bloodthirster
- Bloodwrack Medusa
- Bloodwrack Shrine
- Blue Horrors of Tzeentch
- Bolt Thrower
- Bonegrinder Giant
- Border Princes Bombard
- Border Princes Brigands
- Branchwraith
- Bray-Shaman
- Bretonnian Warhorse
- Brimstone Horrors of Tzeentch
- Bruiser
- Bull Centaur Renders
- Bull Centaur Taur'ruk
- Burlok Damminson
- Burning Chariot of Tzeentch
- Butcher
- Cairn Wraith
- Cannon
- Captain of the Empire
- Carnosaur
- Carrion
- Casket of Souls
- Cauldron of Blood
- Centigor Herd
- Chameleon Skinks
- Chaos Chariot
- Chaos Dragon
- Chaos Furies
- Chaos Giant
- Chaos Knights
- Chaos Lord
- Chaos Marauders
- Chaos Ogres
- Chaos Spawn
- Chaos Steed
- Chaos Trolls
- Chaos Warhound Handler
- Chaos Warhounds
- Chaos Warriors
- Chapter Master
- Chariot of Tzeentch
- Chieftain's Chariot
- Chimera
- Chosen Chaos Chariot
- Chosen Chaos Knights
- Chosen Chaos Warriors
- Chracian Chieftain
- Chracian Woodsmen
- Clanrats
- Cockatrice
- Cold One Chariot
- Cold One (Dark Elves)
- Cold One Knights
- Cold One (Lizardmen)
- Cold One Riders
- Common Troll Mob
- Corpse Cart
- Coven Throne
- Crypt Ghouls
- Crypt Horrors
- Cygor
- Daemon Prince (Daemons of Chaos)
- Daemon Prince (Warriors of Chaos)
- Daemon Slayer
- Daemonettes of Slaanesh
- Daemonic Herald of Khorne
- Daemonic Herald of Nurgle
- Daemonic Herald of Slaanesh
- Daemonic Herald of Tzeentch
- Daemonic Mount
- Daemonsmith Sorcerer
- Damsel
- Dark Elf Dreadlord
- Dark Elf Master
- Dark Elf Shades
- Dark Elf Warriors
- Dark Pegasus
- Dark Riders
- Dark Steed
- Death Hag
- Deathshrieker Rocket Launcher
- Deepwood Scouts
- Demigryph
- Demigryph Knights
- Dire Wolves
- Disc of Tzeentch
- Doom Diver Catapult
- Doombull
- Doomfire Warlocks
- Doomseeker
- Doomwheel
- Dragon Mage
- Dragon Ogre Shaggoth
- Dragon Ogres
- Dragon Princes
- Dragon Slayer
- Dreadquake Mortar
- Dryads
- Duke
- Dwarf Cart
- Dwarf Warriors
- Eagle-Claw Bolt Thrower
- Ellyrian Reavers
- Elven Archers
- Elven Spearmen
- Elven Steed
- Empire Archers
- Empire Engineer
- Empire Greatswords
- Empire Knights
- Empire Road Wardens
- Empire Steam Tank
- Empire War Wagon
- Empire Warhorse
- Engineer
- Engineer Sapper
- Eternal Guard
- Exalted Champion
- Exalted Seeker Chariot of Slaanesh
- Exalted Sorcerer
- Fanatic
- Fell Bats
- Field Trebuchet
- Fiends of Slaanesh
- Firebelly
- Flagellants
- Flame Cannon
- Flamers of Tzeentch
- Flamespyre Phoenix
- Flamespyre Phoenix (Mount)
- Flesh Hounds of Khorne
- Forest Dragon
- Forsaken
- Free Company Militia
- Frostheart Phoenix
- Frostheart Phoenix (Mount)
- Frydaal The Chainmaker
- Galrauch
- General Hans von Löwenhacke
- General of the Empire
- Ghorgon
- Giant
- Giant Cave Squig
- Giant Rats
- Giant Wolf
- Gigantic Spawn of Chaos
- Gigantic Spider
- Glade Captain
- Glade Guard
- Glade Lord
- Glade Riders
- Gnoblar Fighters
- Gnoblar Scraplauncher
- Gnoblar Trappers
- Goblin Bigboss
- Goblin Bolt Throwa
- Goblin-Hewer
- Goblin Mob
- Goblin Oddgit
- Goblin Oddnob
- Goblin Rock Lobber
- Goblin Spider Rider Mob
- Goblin Warboss
- Goblin Wolf Chariot
- Goblin Wolf Rider Mob
- Gor Herd
- Gorebeast Chariot
- Gorebull
- Gorger
- Grail Knights
- Grand Master
- Grave Guard
- Great Bray-Shaman
- Great Cannon
- Great Eagle
- Great Eagle (Mount)
- Great Stag
- Great Taurus
- Great Unclean One
- The Green Knight
- Grey Seer
- Griffon (Empire)
- Griffon (High Elves)
- Grudge Thrower
- Gutter Runners
- Gyrobomber
- Gyrocopter
- Hammerers
- Handmaiden of the Everqueen
- Har Ganeth Executioners
- Harald Gemunsen
- Harbinger of Doom
- Harpies
- Helblaster Volley Gun
- Hell Pit Abomination
- Hellcannon
- Hellflayer of Slaanesh
- Helstorm Rocket Battery
- Hexwraiths
- High Beastmaster
- High Priest
- High Priest of Ulric
- Hippogryph
- Hobgoblin Bolt Thrower
- Hobgoblin Cutthroats
- Hobgoblin Khan
- Hobgoblin Wolf Riders
- Hunter
- Imperial Dwarf Mercenaries
- Imperial Griffon
- Imperial Ogres
- Infernal Castellan
- Infernal Guard
- Infernal Ironsworn
- Infernal Seneschal
- Inner Circle Knights
- Iron Daemon
- Ironblaster
- Ironbreakers
- Irondrakes
- Ironguts
- Ishaya Vess
- Jabberslythe
- Juggernaut of Khorne
- Jungle Swarms
- K'daai Fireborn
- Keeper of Secrets
- Khainite Assassin
- Kharibdyss
- Khemrian Warsphinx
- Kiknik Toofsnatcha
- King
- Knights Errant
- Knights of the Realm on Foot
- Korhil Lionmane
- Kroxigor
- Lady Élisse Duchaard
- Lammasu
- Leadbelchers
- Lector of Sigmar
- Lion Chariot of Chrace
- Lion Guard
- Longbeards
- Lord of Change
- Lothern Sea Guard
- Lothern Skycutter
- Mage
- Magma Cannon
- Maneaters
- Mangler Squigs
- Manticore (Dark Elves)
- Manticore (Warriors of Chaos)
- Marauder Horsemen
- Marauder Tribe Berserkers
- Marauder Tribe Chieftain
- Marauder Tribe Huscarls
- Master Assassin
- Master Mage
- Master Moulder
- Master Necromancer
- Men-at-Arms
- Merwyrm
- Miners
- Minotaur Herd
- Moon Dragon
- Mortar
- Mortis Engine
- Mortuary Priest
- Mounted Knights of the Realm
- Mounted Yeomen
- Mournfang Cavalry
- Nasty Skulker
- Necrolith Bone Dragon
- Necrolith Colossus
- Necromantic Acolyte
- Necropolis Knights
- Necroserpents
- Necrosphinx
- Necrotect
- Nekaph
- Night Goblin Bigboss
- Night Goblin Mob
- Night Goblin Oddgit
- Night Goblin Oddnob
- Night Goblin Squig Herd
- Night Goblin Squig Hopper Mob
- Night Goblin Warboss
- Night Runners
- Nightmare
- Noble
- Nurglings
- Ogdruz Swampdigga
- Ogre Bulls
- Orc Bigboss
- Orc Boar Boy Mob
- Orc Boar Chariot
- Orc Bully
- Orc Mob
- Orc Warboss
- Orc Weirdboy
- Orc Weirdnob
- Organ Gun
- Outcast Wizard
- Outriders
- Packmaster
- Paladin
- Palanquin of Nurgle
- Peasant Bowmen
- Pegasus
- Pegasus Knights
- Phoenix Guard
- Pink Horrors of Tzeentch
- Pistoliers
- Plague Censer Bearers
- Plague Drones of Nurgle
- Plague Furnace
- Plague Monks
- Plague Priest
- Plaguebearers of Nurgle
- Plagueclaw Catapult
- Poisoned Wind Globadiers
- Priest of Sigmar
- Priest of Ulric
- Prince
- Prince Apophas
- Prince Ulther's Dragon Company
- Prophetess
- Quarrellers
- Questing Knights
- Rangers
- Rat Ogres
- Rat Swarms
- Razordon Pack
- Razorgor Chariot
- Razorgor Herd
- Reaper Bolt Thrower
- Repeater Crossbowmen
- Ripperdactyl
- Ripperdactyl Riders
- River Troll Mob
- Royal Clan Warriors
- Royal Herald
- Royal Pegasus
- Runelord
- Runesmith
- Sabretusk Pack
- Salamander Pack
- Saurus Oldblood
- Saurus Scar-Veteran
- Saurus Warriors
- Scourgerunner Chariot
- Scout Gyrocopter
- Screamers of Tzeentch
- Screaming Bell
- Screaming Skull Catapult
- Sea Guard Garrison Commander
- Seeker Chariot of Slaanesh
- Seekers of Slaanesh
- Sepulchral Stalkers
- Sergeant-at-Arms
- Settra the Imperishable
- Shadow Warriors
- Shadowdancer
- Shieldbearers
- Ship's Company
- Silver Helms
- Sir Cecil Gastonne
- Sisters of Avelorn
- Sisters of Slaughter
- Sisters of the Thorn
- Skaven Chieftain
- Skaven Warlord
- Skeletal Steed (Tomb Kings)
- Skeletal Steed (Vampire Counts)
- Skeleton Archers
- Skeleton Cavalry Cohort
- Skeleton Chariot
- Skeleton Chariots
- Skeleton Horse Archers
- Skeleton Horsemen
- Skeleton Infantry Cohort
- Skeleton Skirmishers
- Skeleton Warriors (Tomb Kings)
- Skeleton Warriors (Vampire Counts)
- Skin Wolves
- Skink Chief
- Skink Priest
- Skink Skirmishers
- Skull Cannon of Khorne
- Slann Mage-Priest
- Slaughtermaster
- Slayers
- Sneaky Gits
- Snotling Mob
- Snotling Pump Wagon
- Sorcerer Lord
- Sorcerer-Prophet
- Sorceress
- Soul Grinder
- Spellsinger
- Spellweaver
- Spirit Hosts
- Squires
- Star Dragon
- State Missile Troops
- State Troops
- Steed of Slaanesh
- Stegadon
- Stone Troll Mob
- Stonehorn
- Stonehorn Riders
- Storm Weaver
- Stormvermin
- Strigoi Ghoul King
- Sun Dragon
- Supreme Sorceress
- Swordmasters of Hoeth
- Temple Guard
- Terradon
- Terradon Riders
- Terrorgheist
- Terrorgheist (Mount)
- Teutogen Guard
- Thane
- Thorgrim Ulleksson
- Thunderers
- Thundertusk
- Thundertusk Riders
- Tiranoc Chariot
- Tomb Banshee
- Tomb Guard
- Tomb Guard Chariots
- Tomb King
- Tomb Prince
- Tomb Scorpion
- Tomb Swarms
- Tree Kin
- Treeman
- Treeman Ancient
- Troglodon
- Troll Hag
- Tuskgor Chariot
- Tyrant
- Ungor Herd
- Ungrim Ironfist
- Unicorn
- Ushabti
- Vampire Count
- Vampire Thrall
- Vargheists
- Varghulf
- Venerable Ushabti
- Veteran State Troops
- War Altar of Sigmar
- War Boar
- War Hydra
- War Lions
- Wardancers
- Wargor
- Warhawk
- Warhawk Riders
- Warhoof
- Warhorse (Bretonnia)
- Warhorse (Warriors of Chaos)
- Warlock Engineer
- Warp Lightning Cannon
- Warpfire Dragon
- Warplock Jezzails
- Waystalker
- Waywatchers
- Weapon Team
- White Lions of Chrace
- Wight King
- Wight Lord
- Wild Riders
- Wildwood Rangers
- Witch Elves
- Witch Hunter
- Wizard Lord
- Wyvern
- Yeomen Guard
- Yhetees
- Zombie Dragon
- Zombies