Source: Warhammer: The Old World Online Rules Index
Magic Items (and Abilities) SitemapURL Copied!
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Type Index
- Arcane Items
- Armour Runes
- Beastmen Brayherds Magic Items
- Big Names
- Chaos Dwarfs Magic Items
- Chaos Mutations
- Chaotic Gifts
- Chaotic Icons
- Creating a Runic Item
- Daemonic Gifts & Icons
- Dark Elves Magic Items
- Disciplines of the Old Ones
- Elven Honours
- Empire of Man Magic Items
- Enchanted Items
- Engineering Runes
- Engineers' Weapon Runes
- Extremely Common Magic Items
- Forest Spites
- Gifts of Chaos
- Gifts of Khorne
- Gifts of Nurgle
- Gifts of Slaanesh
- Gifts of Tzeentch
- High Elf Realms Magic Items
- Icons of Khorne
- Icons of Nurgle
- Icons of Slaanesh
- Icons of Tzeentch
- Kingdom of Bretonnia Magic Items
- Knightly Orders of the Empire
- Knightly Virtues
- Limitations & Uniqueness
- Lizardmen Magic Items
- Magic Armour
- Magic Standards
- Magic Weapons
- Named Characters (Magic Items)
- Ogre Kingdoms Magic Items
- Orc & Goblin Tribes Magic Items
- Purchasing Magic Items
- Rules of the Runes
- Rune Magic
- Runic Items
- Runic Tattoos
- Single Use Magic Items
- Single Use Runes
- Skaven Magic Items
- Standard Runes
- Talismanic Runes
- Talismans
- Tomb Kings of Khemri Magic Items
- Types of Magic Item
- Using Magic Items
- Vampire Counts Magic Items
- Vampiric Powers
- Warriors of Chaos Magic Items
- Weapon Runes
- What's in a Name?
- Wood Elf Realms Magic Items
Item(/Ability) Index
- A Befuddlement of Mischiefs
- A Blight of Terrors
- A Lamentation of Despairs
- A Murder of Spites
- A Muster of Malevolents
- A Resplendence of Luminescents
- The Accursed Armour
- Acid Ichor
- Æther Blade
- Allure of Slaanesh
- Amulet of the Serpent
- An Annoyance of Netlings
- Annulian Crystal
- Anointed Armour
- Anointed of Asuryan
- Antlers of the Great Hunt
- Arcane Familiar
- Armour of Bazherak the Cruel
- Armour of Caledor
- Armour of Destiny
- Armour of Fortune
- Armour of Khorne
- Armour of Meteoric Iron
- Armour of Mork
- Armour of Silvered Steel
- The Armour of Skaldour
- Armour of Tarnus
- Armour of the Ages
- Armour of the Damned
- Ashen Banner
- Asyendi's Bane
- Aura of Pain
- Aura of Quetzl
- The Axe of Dargo
- Axe of Khorne*
- Axe of Men
- Backstabber's Blade*
- Banner of Acquiescence
- Banner of Arcane Protection
- Banner of Châlons
- Banner of Change
- Banner of Discord
- Banner of Duty
- Banner of Ellyrion
- Banner of Har Ganeth
- Banner of Honourable Warfare
- Banner of Iron Resolve
- Banner of Midsummer's Eve
- Banner of Nagarythe
- Banner of Outrage
- Banner of Rage
- Banner of the Barrows
- Banner of the Baying Hound
- Banner of the Dark Powers
- Banner of the Desert Winds
- Banner of the Eternal Queen
- The Banner of the Free State of Nuln
- Banner of the Gods
- Banner of the Hunter King
- Banner of the Knights Panther
- Banner of the Lady's Grace
- Banner of the Wildwood
- Banner of the Wildz
- Banner of the Zealous Knight
- Banner of Unholy Victory
- Banner of Verminous Scurrying
- Battle Banner
- Battleaxe of the Last Big Waaagh!
- Beast Reaver
- Beastkiller
- Becalming Cogitation
- Bedazzling Helm
- Beguile
- Berserker Blade
- Big Boss 'At
- The Big Red Raggedy Flag
- Bigger, Choppier Axe
- Biting Blade
- Black Dragon Egg
- Black Hammer of Hashut
- Black Staff
- The Blackened Plate
- Blade of Antarhak
- The Blade of Leaping Gold
- Blade of Nurglitch
- Blade of Revered Tzunki
- Blade of Silvered Steel
- Blades of Loec
- Blasted Standard
- The Blazing Banner
- The Blessed Blade of Ptra
- Blood Armour
- Blood Drinker
- Blood of Caledor
- Bloodcleaver
- Bloodskull Pendant
- Bog-wood Staff
- Book of Ashur
- Bow of Loren
- Brass Orb
- Brazen Collar*
- Breath of Hashut
- Bull Standard
- Burning Blade*
- Buzgob's Knobbly Staff
- Cannibal Totem
- Cathayan Jet Pendant*
- Cautious Shield
- Chalice of Brionne
- Chaos Runesword
- The Chariot of the Gods
- Charmed Shield*
- Chieftain's Blade
- Chracian Hunter
- The Cloak of Beards
- Cloak of Feathers
- Cloak of Mist & Shadows
- Cloak of the Dunes
- Cold-Blooded Banner
- Collar of Khorne*
- Collar of Shapesh
- The Collar of Zorga
- The Conqueror's Blade
- Conqueror's Tapestry
- Crimson Armour of Dargan
- Crook & Flail of Radiance
- Crown of Everlasting Conquest
- Crown of Horns
- Crown of Kings*
- The Crown of Nehekhara
- Crown of the Damned
- Crusader's Clarion
- Crusader's Lance
- Crusader's Tapestry
- Crystal Ball
- Cube of Darkness*
- Cupped Hands of the Old Ones
- Curse of the Revenant
- Curse-Weaver Wand
- Da Akrit Axe
- Da Angry Ladz Flag
- Da Banner of Butchery
- Da Banner of Da Nomadz
- Da Boss' Trophy Rack
- Da Choppiest Choppa
- Da Hag's Brew
- Da Skull Smasha
- Da Spider Banner
- Da Thinkin' Orc's 'At
- Daemon Flask
- Daemon-flesh
- Daemon-Forged Barding
- Daemon-Slayer Scars*
- Daemonic Familiar
- Daemonic Platemail
- Daemonic Robes
- Daemonsword
- Dagger of Malice
- Dagger of the Dark Pantheon
- Dark Acolyte
- Dark Heart*
- Dark Majesty
- Dark Maul
- Dawnstone
- Dead 'Ard Armour
- Death Globe*
- Death Mask of Kharnutt
- Deathcheater
- Deepwood Sphere
- Destroyer of Eternities
- Diabolic Splendour
- Diadem of Power
- Dispel Scroll*
- The Dolorous Blade
- Doom Totem
- Dragon Bow
- Dragon Helm
- Dragon Slaying Sword
- Dragonblade
- Dragonhide Banner
- Dragonhide Cloak
- Drakenhof Banner
- Dreadlance
- Duellist's Blades
- Dwarf Hide Banner
- 'Eadbuttin' 'At*
- Earthing Rod
- Effigy of Mork
- Enchanted Rune
- Enchanted Shield*
- Enchanting Aura
- Enkhil's Kanopi
- Enrapturing Gaze*
- Errantry Banner
- Executioner's Axe
- Extra Arm
- Falcon-horn of Fredemund
- Favour of the Gods*
- Feedback Scroll
- The Fellblade
- Filth Mace
- Fistful of Laurels*
- The Flail of Conquered Kings
- Flail of Skulls
- Flamestrike Wand
- The Flayed Hauberk
- Flying Carpet
- Flying Horror
- Focus Familiar*
- Foe Bane
- Foebreaker
- Frontier Axe
- Frostblade
- Fungus Wine*
- Gauntlet of the Duel*
- Giant Blade
- Giantbreaker
- Gilded Cuirass
- Glamourweave
- The Gleaming Pennant
- Glittering Scales
- Glittering Wotnots
- Glowy Green Amulet
- Glyph Necklace
- Gnarled Hide
- Gouge-tusks
- Grail Pendant
- Grand Banner of Superiority
- The Graven Sceptre
- Great Standard of Sundering
- The Griffon Helm
- Griffon Standard
- Grimoire of Ogvold
- Grisly Trophy Rack
- Gromril Great Helm
- Grudge Rune*
- Grudge-Settler
- Grut's Sickle
- Guff's Windy Banner
- The Guiding Eye
- Gut Maw
- Hagtree Fetish
- Hail of Doom Arrow*
- Halfling Cookbook
- Hammer of Righteousness
- Hand of Dust
- Harrowing Scrutiny
- Headsman's Axe
- Healing Potion*
- Heart of the Wilds
- Heartwood Lance
- Hellheart
- Hellshard
- Helm of Commandment
- Helm of Many Eyes
- Helm of the Hunt
- Hide of the Cold Ones
- Hieratic Jar*
- Higher State of Mind
- Horn of the First Beast
- Horned One*
- Hunter's Spear
- Hydra's Tooth
- Icon of Darkness
- Icon of Endless War
- Icon of Eternal Virulence
- Icon of Morr
- Icon of Rakaph
- Icon of Rulership*
- Icon of Sorcery*
- Icon of the Sacred Eye
- Idol of Gork
- Idol of Mork
- Imperial Banner
- Infernal Enrapturess
- Infernal Puppet
- Iridescent Corona*
- Ironspike Shield
- Itxi Grub*
- Jade Amulet*
- Jade Lion
- Jagged Dagger
- Jaguar Standard
- Judgement
- Kineater
- The Lammasu's Beard
- Laurels of Victory
- Lifetaker
- Lion Standard
- Longstrider
- Lord of the Night
- Lore Familiar
- Loremaster
- The Loremaster's Cloak
- Luckstone*
- Lucky Heirloom*
- Mace of Helsturm
- Manbane Standard
- Mangelder
- Mantle of Stone*
- Mantle of the Damsel Elena
- Many Arms*
- Many-limbed Fiend
- Martog's Best Basha
- The Mask of the Furnace
- Master of Mortals
- Master of the Black Arts
- Master Rune of Adamant
- Master Rune of Alaric The Mad
- Master Rune of Balance
- Master Rune of Breaking
- Master Rune of Bursting Flame
- Master Rune of Calm
- Master Rune of Disguise
- Master Rune of Dragon Slaying
- Master Rune of Flight
- Master Rune of Gromril
- Master Rune of Grungni
- Master Rune of Hesitation
- Master Rune of Immolation
- Master Rune of Piercing
- Master Rune of Skalf Blackhammer
- Master Rune of Slaying
- Master Rune of Smiting
- Master Rune of Spite
- Master Rune of Stromni Redbeard
- Master Rune of Swiftness
- Mastodon Armour
- Mawseeker
- Merciw's Locus
- Might of Khorne
- Mighty Serpent's Scalemail
- Mirage Banner
- Morning Star of Fracasse
- Mountaineater
- Muscular Monstrosity
- Necklace of Blessed Teef
- Null Stone
- Nurgling Infestation
- Oaken Stave
- Obsidian Dread-Glaive
- Obsidian Lodestone*
- Obsidian Vambraces
- Ogre Blade
- Opal Amulet*
- Orb of Ptra
- Order of the Blazing Sun
- Order of the Fiery Heart
- Order of the Knights of Morr
- Order of the Knights Panther
- Order of the White Wolf
- Overseer's Sigil
- Paymaster's Coin*
- Pearl Daggers
- Pearl of Infinite Bleakness
- Pelt of Midnight
- Pelt of the Dark Young
- Pendant of Damnation
- Pendant of Khaeleth
- Phakth's Blades of Justice
- Phâzerakt's Kanopi
- Piranha Blade
- The Plague Chalice
- Poisonous Slime
- Porko's Pigstikka
- Potion of Foolhardiness*
- Potion of Speed*
- Potion of Strength*
- Potion of Toughness*
- Power Scroll*
- Power Vortex
- Prayer Icon of Quenelles
- Primeval Club
- Pure of Heart
- Railarian's Mantle
- Rampaging Banner
- Rapturous Standard
- Razor Standard
- Reaver Bow
- Relic of the Desert Sun
- Ring of Fortune
- Ring of Taal
- Rod of the Damned
- Rotten Icon
- Royal Mantle
- Royal Standard of Settra
- Ruby Ring of Ruin
- Rune Maw
- Rune of Accuracy
- Rune of Banishment
- Rune of Battle
- Rune of Blazing Fury
- Rune of Burning
- Rune of Cleaving*
- Rune of Concussive Force
- Rune of Confusion
- Rune of Courage
- Rune of Endless Battle
- Rune of Fear
- Rune of Fire
- Rune of Forging*
- Rune of Fortitude*
- Rune of Fury*
- Rune of Grit
- Rune of Iron
- Rune of Luck*
- Rune of Might*
- Rune of Molten Steel
- Rune of Parrying
- Rune of Passage
- Rune of Preservation
- Rune of Rapid Fire
- Rune of Reloading
- Rune of Shielding*
- Rune of Skewering
- Rune of Speed*
- Rune of Spellbreaking*
- Rune of Stone*
- Rune of Striking*
- Rune of the Beast Ascendant
- Rune of the Dauntless
- Rune of the Dishonoured
- Rune of the Furnace
- Rune of the Hateful
- Rune of the Reckless
- Rune of the True Beast
- Rune of Warding*
- Rune of Wrath
- Runefang
- Sacrament of the Lady*
- Scarab Brooch
- The Scarab Brooch of Usirian
- Sceptre of De Noirot
- Sceptre of Power
- Scimitar of the Sun Resplendent
- The Screaming Banner
- Scroll of Binding*
- Scroll of Transmogrification*
- Sea Guard
- Sea Raider's Crest
- The Seal of Parravon
- Seed of Rebirth*
- Serpent Staff
- Shadow Magnet
- Shadow Stalker
- Shield of Ghrond
- Shield of Ptra
- Shield of the Gorgon
- Shield of the Mirror Pool
- Shield of the Warrior True
- Shroud of Iron
- Shroud of the Ancestor
- Sigil of Asuryan*
- Sigil of Centuries
- The Silver Horn
- Silver Mirror
- Silvery Wand
- Siren Song
- Siren Standard
- Sirienne's Locket
- Skalm
- Skavenbrew*
- Skavenpelt Banner
- Skin of Man
- Skull of Katam
- Skull Staff
- Skull Totem
- Skullplucker
- The Slayer Crown
- Slayer's Hourglass
- Sloppity Bilepiper
- Slug-skin
- Soporific Musk*
- Sorcerous Void
- Sorrow's End
- Soul of Stone
- Spangleshard
- Sparkly Wizard Finda
- Spear of Twilight
- Spell Eater
- Spell Familiar*
- Spelleater Axe
- Spellshield*
- Spellthieving Sword
- Spiteful Shield
- Spoilpox Scrivener
- Squintsoffen's Marvellous Magnifier*
- Staff of Aeons
- Staff of Awakening
- Staff of Baduumm
- Staff of Change
- The Staff of the Elements
- Staff of the Lost Sun
- Stalwart Rune
- Standard of Chaotic Glory
- Standard of Hellish Vigour
- Standard of Seeping Decay
- Standard of Slaughter
- Standard of the Cursing Word
- Stone of Spite
- Storm Banner
- Storm Daemon
- Storm's Wrath
- Stream of Contagion*
- Strollaz' Rune
- Sun Standard of Chotec
- Supernatural Horror
- Sword of Battle
- Sword of Heroes
- Sword of Justice
- Sword of Kings
- Sword of Might*
- Sword of Ruin
- Sword of Striking*
- Sword of Swiftness
- Sword of the Quest
- Sword of the Stout Hearted
- Tablets of Tahoth*
- Talisman of Protection
- Talisman of the Carrion Crow
- Talisman of the Soaring Eagle
- Tapestry of Conquered Lands
- Tapestry of Sigmar's Triumph
- Taskmaster's Scourge
- Tenderiser
- Thundermace
- Tome of Furion
- Tome of Midnight
- Tome of the Dark Gods
- Totem of Eternal War
- Totem of Prophecy
- Totem of Rust
- Transcendent Healing
- Trappings of Nurgle
- Trollhide Shawl
- Trollhide Trousers*
- Twice-Blessed Armour
- Twin Heads
- Twin-Tailed Wand
- Uncanny Senses
- Valorous Standard
- Venom of the Firefly Frog
- Vial of Lammasu Blood
- Virtue of Audacity
- Virtue of Confidence
- Virtue of Discipline
- Virtue of Duty
- Virtue of Empathy
- Virtue of Heroism
- Virtue of Knightly Temper
- Virtue of Noble Disdain
- Virtue of Purity
- Virtue of Stoicism
- Virtue of the Ideal
- Virtue of the Impetuous Knight
- Virtue of the Joust
- Virtue of the Penitent
- Vitriolic Totem
- Von Carstein Ring
- Von Trickshotte's Wondrous Arquebus
- Waaagh! Banner
- Wailing Arrow*
- Wand of Jet
- Wand of Wych Elm
- Wandering Deliberations
- War Banner
- Warden of Saphery
- Warding Splint
- Warp Condenser
- Warpstone Amulet
- Warpstone Armour*
- Warpstone Tokens*
- Warrior's Rune
- Weeping Blade
- Whip of Agony
- The White Cloak
- The White Sword
- Will of Tzeentch
- Winged Horror
- Witch Hunter's Ward*
- Wizarding Hat
- Wizard's Familiar*
- Wizard's Staff*
- Wollopa's One Hit Wunda
- Wraithstone
- Wyrmbreath Vial