Source: Warhammer: The Old World Online Rules Index
Rules SitemapURL Copied!
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- Battlefield Terrain
- Campaign Battles
- Characters
- The Combat Phase
- Command Groups
- Forming Units
- General Principles
- The Lores of Magic
- Magic
- Model & Unit Facing
- Model Profiles
- Movement in Detail
- The Movement Phase
- Narrative Battles
- Overview of the Game
- The Psychology of War
- Quick Reference
- Removing Casualties
- The Shooting Phase
- Special Rules
- The Strategy Phase
- Troop Types at a Glance
- Troop Types in Detail
- The Turn Sequence
- Unusual Formations
- War Machines
- Warhammer Armies
- Warhammer Battles
- Weapons of War
- Magic Items (and Abilities)
- 1" Apart (Combat)
- 1" Apart (Skirmishers)
- The 1" Rule
- 7+ to Hit
- A Game of Rounds & Turns
- Abominable Attacks
- Abyssal Howl
- Accepting a Challenge
- Accidental Contact
- Accidental Contact During a Charge
- Accidental Contact When Running Down the Foe
- Accursed Reliquary
- Accursed Weapons
- Acidic Vomit
- Active & Inactive Player
- Additional Equipment
- Adopting & Changing Formation
- Aftermath
- Aligning to the Enemy
- All Sneaky Like
- Allied Contingent Special Rules
- Allied Contingents
- Alternating Units
- Ambush at Winter's Teeth Pass
- Ambushers
- Ancestral Fury
- Ancestral Grudge
- Ancestral Shield
- Aquatic
- Arboreal Gloom
- Arcane Backlash
- Arcane Bodkins
- Arcane Configuration
- Arcane Items
- Arcane Monolith
- Arcane Shield
- Arcane Vassal
- Arise!
- Ark of Sotek
- Armies of Imagination
- Armour
- Armour Bane (X)
- Armour Piercing
- Armour Runes
- Armour Value
- Armour Value (Model Profiles)
- Armoured Hide (X)
- Army Composition Lists
- Army Lists
- Army of Infamy
- Army Special Rules
- The Arrow of Kurnous
- Arrows of Asaph
- Arrows of Isha
- Artillery & Scatter Dice
- Artillery Master
- Asrai Longbow
- Asrai Spear
- Assailment
- Assailment Spells
- Assorted Weapons
- Attacks (A)
- Attention Seeker
- Aura of the Fay
- Aura of the Lady
- Authority of the Hierophant
- Automatic Hits
- Avalanche of Flesh
- Backstab
- Balefire Brazier
- Baleful Torrent
- Ball & Chain
- Ballistic Skill (BS)
- Banished Lords
- Banner of the Count
- Banner of the King
- Barding
- Base Contact
- Base Size
- Basic Movement
- Basing War Machines
- Battle Magic
- The Battle of Matorea
- The Battle of Stirhügel Hills
- The Battle Standard
- The Battle Standard Bearer Model
- Battlefield Decoration
- Battlefield Decoration (Combat)
- Battlefield Decoration (Movement)
- Beam of Chotec
- Beast Handlers
- Beastmen Brayherds Army List
- Beastmen Brayherds Magic Items
- Beguiling Aura
- Behemoths
- Bellowers & Musicians
- Belly Flop
- Benefits of Control
- Bestial Charge
- Bestial Fury
- Beyond the Crest
- Big Guns Know No Fear
- Big Names
- Big Stabbas
- Big 'Uns
- Bilesword
- Billowing Death
- Black Lotus
- Black Powder Misfire Table
- Black Powder Weapons
- Blackbriar Javelin
- Blackshard Armour
- Blasphemous Tome
- Blasting Charges
- Blazing Body
- Blessed Knight
- Blessed Triptych
- Blessings of Asuryan
- Blessings of Khaine
- Blessings of the Horned Rat
- Blessings of the Lady
- Blessings of the Volcano God
- Blessings of Ulric
- Blizzard Aura
- Blood Frenzy
- Blood Greed
- Blood of Hashut
- Blood Rage
- Blood Vulture
- Bloodflail
- Blowpipe
- Blunderbuss
- Blunting the Lance
- Bolt Throwers
- Bombard
- Bombardment
- Bombing Run
- Bonegrinder Giant Attacks
- Bonegrinder Giant's Club
- Born of Fire
- Borne Aloft
- Bound Spells
- Bound Spirits
- Bow of Avelorn
- Bows
- Brace of Drakefire Pistols
- Brace of Ogre Pistols
- Brace of Pistols
- Brace of Repeater Handbows
- Brass Bound Hooves
- Brayhorn
- Braystaff
- Brazen Wheels
- Break Point
- Break Test
- Breath of Change
- Breath of Desiccation
- Breath Weapon
- Bretonnian Exiles
- Brimstone Gun
- BS of 6 or Higher
- Bugman's Cart
- Bull Charge
- Bull-gors
- Bully
- Burning Alignment
- Burning Braziers
- Butcher's Cauldron
- Caged Fury
- Calculate Combat Result
- Campaign Narrative
- Campaign Trees
- Cannon
- Cannon Fire
- Cannon of Khorne
- Cannon of the Sky-Titans
- Cannonade
- Carriage Hauler
- Carrion Feeders
- Casting Roll, Casting Result & Casting Value
- Casting Spells
- Casualty Removal
- Catching the Curs!
- Categories of Terrain
- Categories of Troop Type
- Categories of Troop Type (at a Glance)
- Cavalry
- Cavalry Spear
- Cavalry Support
- Cavernous Maw
- Ceremonial Halberd
- Chainmaker
- Chaintrap
- Challenges
- Challenges & Mounts
- Champions
- Champions & Challenges
- Champions & Shooting
- Champions as Casualties
- Champions in Combat
- Change Facing
- Chaos Armour (Daemons of Chaos)
- Chaos Armour (Warriors of Chaos)
- Chaos Dwarfs Legacy Army List
- Chaos Dwarfs Magic Items
- Chaos Mutations
- Chaotic Gifts
- Chaotic Icons
- Character Models
- Characteristic Tests
- Characteristics & Equipment (Musicians)
- Characteristics & Equipment (Standard Bearers)
- Characteristics (Champions)
- Characteristics of Zero
- Characteristics of Zero (Combat)
- Characteristics Profile
- Characters & Cavalry Mounts
- Characters & Chariot Mounts
- Characters & Formations
- Characters & Ridden Monsters
- Characters & Shooting
- Characters & Troop Type
- Characters & Units
- Characters in Combat
- Characters Joining a Lance
- Characters Joining Skirmishers
- Characters (Troop Types)
- The Charge Move
- The Charge Move (Intro)
- Charge Moves
- Charge Reactions
- Charge Reactions & Multiple Charging Units
- Charging a Fleeing Enemy
- Charging More than One Unit
- Charging Through Terrain
- Charging Units
- Chariot Runners
- Chariots
- Check Line of Sight
- Check Range
- Chill Breath
- Choose & Fight Combat
- Choose Combat & Determine Who Can Fight
- Choose Scenario
- Choose Unit & Declare Target
- Choosing a Pitched Battle Scenario
- Choosing a Target
- Choppas
- Chracian Great Blade
- Chracian Warriors
- Churning Wheels
- Cinderblast Bombs
- City-state of Nuln
- Clash on the Zandri Road
- Clattergun
- Cleaver-limbs
- Cleaving Blades
- Cleaving Blow
- Close Order
- Close Order Formation
- Cloud of Dust
- Cloud of Flies
- Clouds of Soot & Smoke
- Clumsy
- Coherency
- Cold Blooded
- Colossal Fang-filled Gob
- Column of Fire
- Combat (Champions)
- Combat Order (Close Order)
- Combat Order (Open Order)
- The Combat Phase Sequence
- Combat Result Bonus (Standard Bearers)
- Combat Result Bonus (The Battle Standard)
- Combat Result Score
- Combat Result Table
- Combat Results & Multiple Units In Combat
- Combat Weapons
- Combining Terrain Categories
- Command
- Command & Control
- Command Range
- Commander & Captain
- Commander of Legions
- Common Causes of Panic
- Compulsory Moves
- Conceding
- Conjuration
- Continuing Ahead
- Controlling a Special Feature
- Conveyance
- Conveyance Spells
- Counter Charge
- Covenant of Power
- Cover Modifiers
- Creating a Detachment
- Creating a Regimental Unit
- Creating a Runic Item
- Creating an Allied Contingent
- Crossbow
- Crossbows
- Crown of Antlers
- The Crusader's Vow
- Crusader's Zeal
- Crusading Knights
- Crush Underfoot
- Crushing Bulk
- Crushing Weight
- Cry of War
- Cumbersome
- Cumulative Special Rules
- Cunning Hunters
- Curse of the Necropolis
- Cursed by the Gods
- Cursed Coven
- Custom Scenarios
- D6
- Da Boyz
- Da Troll Calla
- Daemon of Khorne
- Daemon of Nurgle
- Daemon of Slaanesh
- Daemon of Tzeentch
- Daemonic
- Daemonic Alignment
- Daemonic Charge
- Daemonic Gifts & Icons
- Daemonic Instability
- Daemonic Locus
- Daemonic Talons
- Daemonology
- Daemons of Chaos Legacy Army List
- Dance of Death
- Dances of Loec
- Dangerous Terrain
- Dangerous Terrain & Woods
- Dangerous Terrain (Movement)
- Dark Elves Legacy Army List
- Dark Elves Magic Items
- Dark Fire of Chaos
- Dark Magic
- The Dark Monolith
- Dark Ruins
- Dark Runes
- Dark Venom
- Dark Vitality
- Darkforged Weapon
- Daughters of Eternity
- Dead or Fled
- The Death of a General
- Deathblow
- Death's Heads
- Decapitating Claws
- Decapitating Strike
- Declare Charges & Charge Reactions
- Declare Target
- Deepwood Coven
- Defended Low Linear Obstacles
- Defended Low Linear Obstacles (Combat)
- Defensive Stakes
- Deflect Shots
- Demolition Rockets
- Deploy Armies
- Deploying Weapon Teams
- Deployment
- Destruction of a Fleeing Unit
- Detachment
- Detachment Special Rules
- Determine Charge Range
- Determining Armour Saves (Combat)
- Determining Armour Value
- Dice
- Dice Rolling
- Different Formations
- Different Weapons
- Difficult Terrain
- Difficult Terrain (Combat)
- Difficult Terrain (Movement)
- "Dig In!"
- Direction of Flight
- Directly Towards & Directly Away
- Disciplines of the Old Ones
- Disordered Charge
- Disordered Charges
- Dispel
- Dispel Roll & Dispel Result
- Dispelling Remains in Play Spells
- Dispersed Formation
- Dispersed Ranks
- Disrupted Units
- Distensible Jaw
- Dive Bomb
- Dividing Attacks
- Doom Diver
- Doom-Flayer
- Doomfire
- Doomseeker
- Dragged Along
- Dragon Armour
- Dragon Fire
- Drakegun
- Drawn Combat
- Dread Halberd
- Dreadquake Mortar
- Drilled
- Drop Rocks
- Drunken
- Dry as Dust
- Dwarf Crafted
- Dwarfen Mountain Holds Army List
- 'Eadbutt (Bonegrinder Giant)
- 'Eadbutt (Giant)
- Eagle-eye Bolt Thrower
- Earn Your Spurs
- Elementalism
- Elven Honours
- Elven Reflexes
- Empire of Man Army List
- Empire of Man Magic Items
- Enchanted Arrows
- Enchanted Items
- Enchantment
- End of Turn
- The Ends of the World
- Enemy Fire (Skirmishers)
- Enemy Shooting (Characters)
- Enemy Sighted
- Engine of the Gods
- Engineering Runes
- Engineers' Weapon Runes
- Enhanced Regeneration
- Ensorcelled Weapon
- Ensorcelled Weapons
- Entrenched Position
- Entrenchment
- Envenomed Sting
- Equipment
- Equipment (Champions)
- Errantry Crusade
- Eshin Infiltration
- Eternal Hatred
- Eternal Taskmaster
- Ethereal
- Evade
- Evasive
- Excess Casualties
- Excess Wounds
- The Exile's Vow
- Expeditionary Force
- Expeditionary Marksmen
- Explosive Demise
- Extended Formation
- Extra Attacks (+X)
- Extremely Common Magic Items
- Facing & Line of Sight (Skirmishers)
- Failed Charge
- Fall Back in Good Order
- Fall Back or Flee
- Fanatic Ball & Chain
- Fanatical Zeal
- Fast Cavalry
- Fast Dice Rolling (Combat)
- Fast Dice Rolling (Shooting)
- Fated Dispel
- Favour of the Gods
- Fear
- Fear of Elves
- Feed
- Feel No Pain
- Feigned Flight
- Field Trebuchet
- Fiend Tail
- Fiery Breath (Dark Elves)
- Fiery Breath (Lizardmen)
- Fiery Roar
- Fight in Extra Rank
- "Fight Me!"
- Fight On!
- Fighting A Challenge
- Fighting on Multiple Fronts
- The Fighting Rank
- Filth-Encrusted Claws
- Filth-Encrusted Talons
- Finest Warhorses
- Fire & Chaos
- Fire & Flee
- Fire Throwers
- Fireglaive
- Fireleech Bolas
- Firing at Long Range
- Firing Platform
- First Charge
- First Linked Battle
- First to the Fray
- First Turn
- First Turn (Turn Sequence)
- Flail
- Flames of Tzeentch
- Flaming Attacks
- Flaming Breath (Ogre Kingdoms)
- Flaming Breath (Warriors of Chaos)
- Flammable
- Flank & Rear Attacks
- Flank & Rear Attacks (Multiple Combats)
- Flank & Rear Charges
- Flank Attack
- Fled Through
- Flee!
- Flee (Charge Reaction)
- The Flee Move
- Fleeing as a Compulsory Move
- Fleeing from an Enemy Unit
- Fleeing Through Enemy Units
- Fleeing Through Friendly Units
- Fleeing Through Terrain
- Fleeing Units (Characters)
- Fleeing Units (Movement)
- Fleeing Units (Strategy)
- Fly (X)
- Foe Render
- Follow Up
- Follow Up & Pursuit
- Forbidden Poisons
- Forest Spites
- Forgefire
- Forging a Narrative
- Formation Types
- Formed Units Charging Skirmishers
- Forming the Lance
- Forsaken by Khorne
- Forsaken by Nurgle
- Forsaken by Slaanesh
- Forsaken by Tzeentch
- Frenzy
- From Beneath the Sands
- From The Ashes
- Full Plate Armour
- Fumes of Contagion
- Function Over Form
- Furious Charge
- Furnace Hammer
- Game Length (The Turn Sequence)
- Game Length (Warhammer Battles)
- The Games Master
- Gaze of the Gods
- General & Battle Standard
- The General (Characters)
- The General (Warhammer Armies)
- Ghostsight
- Ghoulish Glamour
- Giant Attacks
- Giant Blowpipes
- Giant Bow
- Giant's Club
- Gifts of Chaos
- Gifts of Khaine
- Gifts of Khorne
- Gifts of Nurgle
- Gifts of Slaanesh
- Gifts of Tzeentch
- Gigantic Spawn of Khorne
- Gigantic Spawn of Nurgle
- Gigantic Spawn of Slaanesh
- Gigantic Spawn of Tzeentch
- Give Ground
- Give Ground & Fall Back in Good Order
- Gnashing Maws
- Goad Beast
- Goblin-Hewer
- Gorefeast
- Goring Horns
- Grail Monk
- Grail Reliquae
- The Grail Vow
- Grand Army
- Grand Master of the Knights Panther
- Grapeshot
- Great Axe
- Great Censer
- Great Hammer
- Great Horns
- Great Throwing Spears
- Great Tusks
- Great Weapon
- Greatbow
- The Greater the Danger
- Grenade Launching Blunderbuss
- Grimfrost Weapon
- Grind its Bones
- "Grind Them Down!"
- Grinding Wheels
- Gromril Armour
- Gromril Great Axe
- Gromril Weapons
- Grudgelore
- The Grudgestone
- Guardian of the Sacred Sites
- Guardians
- Guardians of the Temple
- Guardians of the Wildwood
- Gun Limbers
- Hagbane Tips
- Hailshot Blunderbuss
- Halberd
- Halting a Charge
- Hand Weapon
- Handgun
- Handgun Drill
- Handler
- Handmaiden's Spear
- Har Ganeth Greatsword
- Harmonious Incantations
- Harpoon Launcher
- Harvester Cannon
- Hatred (X)
- Hawk-eyed Archer
- Heavy Armour
- Heavy Casualties
- Heavy Cavalry
- Heavy Chariots
- Heavy Infantry
- Hekarti's Blessing
- Helblaster
- Helblaster Volley Gun
- Hellblade
- Hellbound
- Hellcannon Misfire Table
- Helstorm
- Helstorm Rocket Battery
- Herald of Despair
- Heralds of Darkness
- Hex
- Hidden (Dark Elves)
- Hidden (Skaven)
- The Hierophant
- High Elf Realms Army List
- High Elf Realms Magic Items
- The High Ground
- The High Ground (Multiple Combats)
- High Linear Obstacles
- High Linear Obstacles (Combat)
- High Linear Obstacles (Movement)
- High Magic
- Highly Manoeuvrable
- Hills
- Historical Recreation
- Historical Recreations
- Hit & Run
- Hit 'em Fast and Hit 'em 'Ard!
- Hits that Inflict Multiple Wounds
- Hochland Long Rifle
- Hold
- "Hold the Line!"
- "Hold Your Ground"
- Holy Fervour
- Hooked Halberd
- Horde
- Horn of Isha
- Horns of Stone
- Hostile Terrain
- How Many Attacks?
- How Many Shots?
- How Much Terrain?
- Howdah
- Huge Gob
- The Hunger
- Hunting Packs
- Hunting Spear
- Hurl Attack
- Icons of Khorne
- Icons of Nurgle
- Icons of Slaanesh
- Icons of Tzeentch
- Ignore Goblin Panic
- Ignore Panic
- Ignores Cover
- Illusion
- Immortal Overseer
- Immovable Object
- Immune to Psychology
- Impact Hits (X)
- Impaling Claws
- Impassable Terrain
- Impassable Terrain (Combat)
- Impassable Terrain (Movement)
- Impervious Defence
- Impetuous
- Implacable Defence
- Incomplete Ranks
- Indirect Fire
- Indiscriminate Hunger
- Indomitable (X)
- Infantry
- Infernal Engineer
- Infernal Favour (X)
- Infernal Incendiaries
- Infested
- Initiative (I)
- Inner Circle
- Insignificant
- Inspiring Presence
- Instant Kills
- Insurmountable Losses
- Invocation of Nehek
- Iron Claw
- Iron Shod Wheels
- Ironfist
- Issuing A Challenge
- 'It & Run
- Ithilmar Armour/Ithilmar Barding
- Ithilmar Weapons
- Javelin
- Jump Up & Down
- Ker-splat
- Khopesh
- Killing Blow
- The King is Dead
- King of the Slayer Hold
- Kingdom of Bretonnia Army List
- Kingdom of Bretonnia Magic Items
- King's Guard
- Knightly Order
- The Knightly Orders
- Knightly Orders of the Empire
- Knightly Virtues
- Knights of Morr
- Knights of the Blazing Sun
- Knights of the Fiery Heart
- Knights of the White Wolf
- Knights Panther
- The Knight's Vow
- Lamprey's Bite
- Lance
- Lance Formation
- Lance Formations & Skirmishers
- The Lance in Combat
- The Language of the Priests
- Large Target
- Largely Insignificant
- Lash & Buckler
- Lash of Khorne
- Lay In Wait
- Leadbelcher Gun
- Leader of the Pack
- Leadership (Ld)
- Leadership Tests
- League Campaigns
- Leaving a Unit
- Levels of Wizardry
- Levies
- Light Armour
- Light Cannon
- Light Cavalry
- Light Chariots
- Lightning Strike
- Lileath's Blessing
- Limitations & Uniqueness
- The Limits of Endurance
- Line of Sight
- Linear Obstacles
- Linked Battles
- Lion Cloak
- Living Saints
- Lizardmen Legacy Army List
- Lizardmen Magic Items
- Lone Characters
- Lone Models
- Loner
- Long Rifle
- Longbow
- Look-out Gnoblar
- "Look Out, Sir!" (Champions)
- "Look Out, Sir!" (Characters)
- Lore of Athel Loren
- Lore of Beasts
- Lore of Chaos
- Lore of Daemons
- Lore of Gork
- Lore of Hashut
- Lore of Lustria
- Lore of Mork
- Lore of Naggaroth
- Lore of Nehekhara
- Lore of Saphery
- Lore of the Great Maw
- Lore of the Horned Rat
- Lore of the Lady
- Lore of Troll Magic
- Lore of Undeath
- Lores of Magic
- Loser Breaks & Flees
- Loser Falls Back In Good Order
- Loser Gives Ground
- Low & High Linear Obstacles
- Low Linear Obstacles
- Low Linear Obstacles (Combat)
- Low Linear Obstacles (Movement)
- Lumbering
- Lumbering Destruction
- Mace Tail
- Maddening Aura
- Magic
- Magic Armour
- Magic Missile & Magical Vortex Spells
- Magic Missiles
- Magic Resistance (-X)
- Magic Resistance (-X) (Magic)
- Magic Standards
- Magic Weapons
- Magical Attacks
- Magical Vortex
- Make Armour Saves (Combat)
- Make Armour Saves (Shooting)
- Make Panic Tests
- "Make Way!"
- Man-Catcher
- Manbane
- Manoeuvres
- Manoeuvring a Lance
- Manoeuvring During a Charge
- Marching
- Marching Column
- Marching Column (Unusual Formations)
- Mark of Chaos Undivided
- Mark of Khorne
- Mark of Nurgle
- Mark of Slaanesh
- Mark of Tzeentch
- Marks of Chaos
- Martial Pride
- Martial Prowess
- Massive Gob
- Master of Ballistics
- Master of Battle
- Masterful Outriders
- Maximum Armour Value
- Maximum Possible Charge Range
- Measurement (Characters)
- Measurement (General Principles)
- Meeting Engagement
- Mercenaries
- Mercenaries (Warhammer Armies)
- Mercenary Commander
- Mighty Antlers
- Mighty Swing (Bonegrinder Giant)
- Mighty Swing (Giant)
- Miner's Cart
- Minimum Three Units
- Misbehaving Mercenaries
- Misbehaving Mercenaries Table
- Miscast
- Miscast Table
- Miscasts & Perfect Invocations
- Missile Weapons
- Mob Rule
- Modifying Characteristics
- Modifying Dice Rolls
- Monster Handlers
- Monster Slayer
- Monsters
- Monstrous Cavalry
- Monstrous Creatures
- Monstrous Infantry
- Monstrous Tusks
- Monument of Glory
- Moonfire Shot
- More than One Combat Weapon
- More than One Missile Weapon
- More than One Save
- Morning Star
- Mortars
- Mortuary Cult
- The Most Important Rule
- Motherly Love
- Motley Crew
- Mountain Pass
- Mounted Characters
- Mounted Host
- Mournfang Charge
- Move & Shoot
- Move Backwards
- Move or Shoot
- Move Sideways
- Move Through Cover
- Movement (M)
- Movement & Manoeuvre (Skirmishers)
- Movement (Characters)
- The Movement Phase Sequence
- Moving and Shooting
- Moving off the Battlefield
- Moving Through Skirmishers
- Moving Through the Ranks
- Moving Through Units
- Multi-Barrelled
- Multiple Charge Targets
- Multiple Charging Units
- Multiple Shots (X)
- Multiple Units In Combat
- Multiple Wound Models
- Multiple Wounds (X)
- Murderous
- Musicians
- Musicians as Casualties
- The Muster List
- Muster Your Forces!
- My Will Be Done
- Named Characters (Magic Items)
- Named Characters (Warhammer Armies)
- Naptha Bombs
- Narrative Locations
- Narrative Motives
- Narrative Scenarios
- Natural Rolls
- Naval Discipline
- Nearby Friend Destroyed
- Nearby Friend Flees Combat
- Necromancy
- Necromantic Undead
- Needs More Nails
- Nehekharan Phalanx
- Nehekharan Royal Host
- Nehekharan Undead
- Netters
- The Newly Dead
- No Armour
- No More Foes
- No Need for Hysterics (Psychology)
- No Need for Hysterics (Shooting)
- No One Cares
- Nomadic Waaagh!
- Not Enough Room
- Nowhere to Run
- Noxious Breath
- Nuln State Troops
- Number of Units
- Numbing Chill
- Oaken Fists
- Oathstone
- Obscured Line of Sight
- Obsidian Blades
- Occupancy
- Oddball Stuff (Combat)
- Oddball Stuff (Movement)
- Oddball Stuff (Shooting)
- Ogre Charge
- Ogre Kingdoms Legacy Army List
- Ogre Kingdoms Magic Items
- Ogre Pistol
- Oi! Dis Way!
- On Da Move
- "Onwards To Victory!"
- Open Battle
- Open Ground
- Open Ground & Hills (Combat)
- Open Ground & Hills (Movement)
- Open Order
- Open Order Formation
- Open Play
- Options
- Orc & Goblin Tribes Army List
- Orc & Goblin Tribes Magic Items
- Organ Guns
- Other Bonuses
- Other Bonuses (Multiple Combats)
- Other Model Information
- Other Types of Compulsory Movement
- Outclassed in the Art
- Outclassed in the Art & Unbinding
- Overkill (Characters)
- Overkill (Combat)
- Overrun
- Paired Great Khopeshes
- Panic Tests
- Pavise
- Peasantry
- Peasant's Duty
- Peerless Raider
- Percentages
- Perfect Invocations
- Perfect Invocations (Remains In Play)
- Pestilential Breath
- Petrifying Gaze
- Pick Up And...
- Piercing Claws
- Pigeon Bombs
- Pistol
- Pitched Battles
- Pivoting
- Placing Special Features
- Placing Terrain
- Placing Terrain (Warhammer Battles)
- Plague Censer
- Plague Proboscis
- Plagueclaw Catapult
- Plagueflail
- Plaguesword
- Points Value
- Points Values & Size of Game
- Poisoned Attacks
- Poisoned Wind
- Poisoned Wind Globes
- Poisoned Wind Mortar
- Poisonous Tail
- Polearm
- Ponderous
- Position Within the Unit
- Positioning Characters
- Prayer of the Damned
- Prayers of Sigmar
- Prayers of Ulric
- Prepare for Battle
- Prepared Positions
- Primal Fury
- Primeval Roar
- Protect Da Boss
- Proximity
- Purchasing Magic Items
- Pursuit
- Pursuit into a Fleeing Enemy
- Pursuit into a Fresh Enemy
- Pursuit into a New Combat
- Pursuit into an Obstacle
- The Pursuit Move
- Pursuit off the Battlefield
- Quake
- Quell Impetuosity
- Quell Panic
- The Questing Vow
- Quick Shot
- Quick Time
- Quick Turn
- The Quickening Storm
- Rallied Units
- Rally Fleeing Units
- Rallying Cry
- Rampant Mutation
- Rancid Maw
- Random Attacks
- Random Movement
- Range & Movement Modifiers
- Range Finding Optics
- Range 'Self' Spells
- Ranger's Glaive
- Rank Bonus
- Rank Bonus in Multiple Combats
- Rapid Fire
- Ratling Gun
- Ravager Harpoon
- Ravenous Hunger
- Razor Barbs
- Razor Tusks
- Re-rolls
- Reclaimed Glory
- Recommended Size of Game
- Redirecting a Charge
- Redress the Ranks
- Reform
- Refusing a Challenge
- Regeneration (X+)
- Regimental Deployment
- Regimental Leadership
- Regimental Psychology
- Regimental Unit
- Regimental Units & Detachments
- Regular Infantry
- Reinforcements
- Release the Fanatics!
- Relentless Warriors
- Remaining Moves
- Remains in Play
- Remove Casualties & Make Panic Tests
- Remove Casualties (Combat)
- Remove Casualties (Shooting)
- Removing Casualties From Units
- Repeater Crossbow
- Repeater Handbow
- Repeater Handgun
- Repeater Pistol
- Repeating Rifle
- Requires Two Hands
- Reserve Move
- Reserves
- Resolute
- Resolving Uncertainties
- Resolving Unusual Attacks
- Restrain & Reform
- Resurrecting the Fallen
- Retinue of the Saints
- Riches & Heirlooms
- Risk of Being Hit
- Ritual Blade
- Rivet Gun
- The Role of a GM
- Roll to Hit (Combat)
- Roll to Hit (Shooting)
- Roll to Wound & Make Armour Saves (Combat)
- Roll to Wound & Make Armour Saves (Shooting)
- Roll to Wound (Combat)
- Roll to Wound (Shooting)
- Rolling Off
- Royal Clans
- Royal Guard
- The Ruins of Hollum
- Rule Priority
- Rules of the Runes
- Rune Lore
- Rune Magic
- Rune of Khaine
- Runes of Protection
- Runes of Warding
- Runic Items
- Runic Tattoos
- Running Down the Foe
- Running with the Pack
- Safe From Harm
- Scarab Prince
- Scatter
- Scenario Objectives
- Scintillating Sorcery
- Scoring
- Scouts
- Scraplauncher Catapult
- Screaming Skull Catapult
- Screaming Skulls
- Scrying Pool
- Scurry Away
- Scurrying Masses
- Scythed Wheels
- Sea-Born Raiders
- Sea Dragon Cloak
- Second Linked Battle
- Selecting Your General
- Sepulchral Animus
- Serrated Maw
- Serrated Maws
- Set Casualties Aside
- Set up the Battlefield
- Setting up your Battlefield
- Settra Does Not Kneel!
- Settra the Great
- Settra's Champion
- The Shadow Grows
- Shield
- Shield of the Lady
- Shieldwall
- Shooting (Champions)
- Shooting into Combat
- The Shooting Phase Sequence
- Shooting with More than One Rank
- Shortbow
- Shrinking Units
- Simultaneous Combat
- Single Rank Units
- Single Use Magic Items
- Single Use Runes
- Single Wound Models
- Size of Battlefield
- The Size of Things
- Skaven Legacy Army List
- Skaven Magic Items
- Skilled Duellist
- Skirmish Formation
- Skirmish Screen
- Skirmishers
- Skirmishers & Charging
- Skirmishers & Disruption
- Skirmishers & Panic
- Skirmishers & Rank Bonus
- Skirmishers & Shooting
- Skirmishers as Reinforcements
- Skirmishers Charging Skirmishers
- Skirmishers in Combat
- Skulking Menace
- Skullcracker
- Skulls of the Foe
- Slashing Attack
- Slashing Talons (Lizardmen)
- Slashing Talons (Warriors of Chaos)
- Slaughterer's Call
- Slavering Charge
- Slayer
- Slayer of Daemons
- Slayer of Dragons
- Slime Trail
- Slimy Shanks
- Sling
- Slithering Serpents
- Slow Reload
- Slythey Tongue
- Solar Engine
- Solar Radiance
- Solitary Fighters
- Sons of Caledor
- Soporific Breath
- Soporific Musk
- Sorcerer's Curse
- Sorcerous Exhalation
- Sorcerous Miasma
- Soul-eater
- Soul Reaper
- Spawn of Khorne
- Spawn of Nurgle
- Spawn of Slaanesh
- Spawn of Sotek
- Spawn of Tzeentch
- Spear of Loec
- Spears
- Special Features
- Special Features (Warhammer Battles)
- Special Rules
- Spectral Coach
- Spectral Reapers
- Spectral Scythe (Black Coach)
- Spectral Scythe (Cairn Wraith)
- Spell Categories
- Spell Categories (Lores)
- Spell Duration
- Spell Resolution
- Spells & Spell Generation
- Spells & Spell Generation (Magic)
- Spells (Characters)
- Spidersilk Lobber
- Spiked Ball & Chains
- Spirit of Galrauch
- Split Profile (Cavalry)
- Split Profile (Chariot Mount)
- Split Profile (Chariots)
- Split Profile (Ridden Monster)
- Split Profile (War Machine)
- Split Profiles (Combat)
- Split Profiles (Model Profiles)
- Spurting Bile Blood
- Squigs Go Wild
- Stable Firing Platform
- Stampede
- Stand & Shoot
- "Stand Back Chief"
- Standard Bearers
- Standard Bearers As Casualties
- Standard Runes
- Standards
- Standards (Multiple Combats)
- Standing and Shooting
- Start of Turn
- Steadfast Discipline
- Steady in the Ranks
- Steadying Rhythm
- Steam Cannon
- Steam Cannonade
- Steam Drill
- Steam Gun (Dwarfs)
- Steam Gun (Empire)
- Steam Power
- Steeds of Darkness
- Stepping Forward
- Stepping Forward & Closing In
- Still Engaged
- Stoic Defenders
- Stomp Attacks (X)
- Stone Shaper
- Stone Skeleton
- Stone Thrower Misfire Table
- Stone Throwers
- Stony Stare
- Storm Call
- The Storming of Khazid Vosk
- Strangleroots
- Strategic Mastery
- The Strategy Phase Sequence
- Strength (S)
- Strike First
- Strike Last
- Strike the Runes
- Striking a Grudge
- Stubborn
- Stupidity
- Subterranean Ambush
- Suffer Not...
- Supporting Actions
- Supporting Attacks
- Supporting Charge
- Supporting Fire
- Surrounded
- Suspicious Allied Contingents
- Swallow Whole
- Swamp Breath
- Swarming Mass
- Swarms
- Swiftshiver Shards
- Swiftstride
- Sword of Hoeth
- Sworn Protector
- Symbol of Might
- Syphoned Strength
- Take-backs & Changing One's Mind
- Taking It Further
- Talismanic Runes
- Talismanic Tattoos
- Talismans
- Target Behind Full Cover
- Target Behind Partial Cover
- Targeting Lone Characters
- Targeting Weapon Teams
- Temperamental
- Templates
- Terrain & Combat
- Terrain & Movement
- Terror
- The Terrors Below
- Things-Catcher
- "Think Of Them More As Guidelines"
- Third Linked Battle
- Through & Through
- Throwing Axe
- Throwing Spear
- Throwing Weapons
- Thrown Weapons
- Thrusting Spear
- Thump with Club
- Thunderous Bludgeon
- Thunderous Charge
- Thunderstomp
- Time Limit
- Timmm-berrr!
- To Battle!
- To Hit Modifiers
- To The Death!
- Toad Rage
- Tolling The Bell
- Tomb Kings of Khemri Army List
- Tomb Kings of Khemri Magic Items
- Too Horrible To Die
- Too Many Characters
- Too Tough to Wound
- Totem of Endless Bloodletting
- Toughness (T)
- Tower
- Trampling Hooves
- Traps & Snares
- Tree Spirit
- Tree Whack
- Trickster's Blades
- Troll Horde
- Troll Tongue
- Troll Vomit
- Trollhammer Torpedo
- Troop Type
- Troop Type Table
- Troop Type Tables
- Trophies of War (Command Groups)
- Trophies of War (Warhammer Battles)
- Troubadour of Loec
- Trueflight Arrows
- Turn
- The Turn Sequence
- Tusker Charge
- Two Hand Weapons/Additional Hand Weapon
- Two-headed Dragon
- Two Heads
- Types of Alliance
- Types of Dispel
- Types of Magic Item
- Tzeentchian Wand
- Unable to Align
- Unable to Follow Up or Pursue
- Unable to Move
- Unbinding
- Unbound Spirits
- Unbreakable
- Understanding Army Composition Lists
- Undisciplined
- Uneasy Allied Contingents
- Unique Equipment
- Unique Special Rules
- Unit Facing & Line of Sight (Characters)
- Unit Shape (Close Order)
- Unit Shape (Open Order)
- Unit Size
- Unit Strength
- Unit Strength (Characters)
- Universal Special Rules
- Unsaved Wounds Inflicted
- Unstable
- Unstoppable Assault
- Untutored Arcanist
- Unusual Armour
- Unusual Situations
- Unusual Situations (Charging)
- Using Magic Items
- Using Regiments & Detachments
- Using Special Features
- Usirian's Reaper
- Valour of Ages
- Vampire Counts Legacy Army List
- Vampire Counts Magic Items
- Vampiric Powers
- Vanguard
- Vantage Point
- Venerable
- Venom Spray
- Venom Sting
- Venom Surge
- Venomous Tail
- Venomous Talons
- Verminous Valour
- Veteran
- Veteran Outriders
- Victory Points
- Volley Fire
- Vomit
- Vortex of Souls
- Waaagh!
- Waaagh! Magic
- Wailing Dirge
- Wake of Fire
- Wallop
- War Beasts
- War Machines
- Warband
- Warbow
- Ward Saves
- Warp Gaze
- Warp Grinder
- Warp Lightning Cannon
- Warp-spawned
- Warpaint
- Warped Form
- Warped Tintinnabulation
- Warpfire Aura
- Warpfire Blast
- Warpfire Thrower
- Warpflame
- Warplock Jezzail
- Warplock Musket
- Warplock Pistol
- Warpstone Claws
- Warpstone Weapons
- Warriors' Duel
- Warriors of Chaos Army List
- Warriors of Chaos Magic Items
- Warriors of Nagarythe
- Warriors of the White Tower
- "We Can't All Fight!"
- "We Can't All Shoot!"
- Weapon of War
- Weapon Profiles
- Weapon Runes
- Weapon Skill (WS)
- Weapon Team Leadership
- "We're Not Paid to Fight"
- What are Special Rules?
- What is a Narrative Battle?
- What Special Rules Does it Have?
- What's in a Name?
- What's in a Title?
- Wheel
- Whip
- Whirling Doom
- Whirlwind of Death
- Who Can Charge?
- Who Can Fight?
- Who Can Shoot?
- Who is the Winner?
- Who Strikes First?
- Wicked Claws
- Wight Banner
- Wilful Beast
- Witch Bane
- Witchbrew
- Witness to Destiny
- Wizardly Dispel
- Wizards
- Wizards & Armour
- Wizards & Armour (Weapons)
- Wolf Hammer
- Wolves of the Sea
- Wood Elf Realms Army List
- Wood Elf Realms Magic Items
- Woodland Ambush
- Woodland Boundaries
- Woods
- Woods (Movement)
- Wounds (W)
- Writhing Tail
- Writhing Tentacles (Daemons of Chaos)
- Writhing Tentacles (Dark Elves)
- The Wyrm Slayer
- Zealot
- Zzzzap!
- Magic Items